I just got a new system (Ryzen 7600+B650E motherboard) and tried installing Manjaro-KDE through a USB drive.
If I use the dd method to write the image to the USB, then it does not show up in the boot menu. If I create a FAT32 partition and copy all the files from the ISO image, then it boots through UEFI but grub goes into rescue mode and errors on unrecognized filesystem.
I have tried unetbootin and supergrub but both end up in grub rescue mode with unrecognized filesystem.
My current BIOS settings:
UEFI : Enabled
Secure Boot: Disabled
Fast Boot: Disabled
It appears that the ISO image has a hard dependency on the ISO9660 filesystem, so creating a VFAT partition doesnt help (unrecognized filesystem). And the raw ISO9660 partition is getting ignored by UEFI boot,
I am able to run both ArchLinux and Ubuntu ISOs through unetbootin but would prefer Manjaro if I can get it running.
EDIT: I also tried a recent ISO (manjaro-kde-dev-24.09-development-unstable-240911-linux610.iso) but the problems still persists.
Just copy the .ISO to the prepared Ventoy USB. You can put as many .ISOs on there as you wish; it will detect them. Also possible to store other data on there.
Probably he used wrong dd command. Me for example, i do not know how to do it exactly (without google search). So to spare my poor memory from remembering even more new stuff, i just use ventoy.
I never bothered with the bs= argument in dd; don’t know if this had any effect. I should look into that, but I’m certainly happy that Ventoy is around. It’s proving very useful these days.
The boot signature was only relevant if it was needed; for example disks with a Master Boot Record; with GPT disks in UEFI systems, it’s a product of a bygone era. Though it’s may still useful for a hybrid boot.
At least, that’s what my old brain cells are conjuring. The Arch Wiki dd page is a decent reference; most of us always need a reference.
I always thought it meant block size. Having a look at the Arch Wiki seems to confirm this.
bs= sets the block size. Defaults to 512 bytes, which is the “classic” block size for hard drives since the early 1980s, but is not the most convenient. Use a bigger value, 64K or 128K. Also, please read the note below, because there is more to this than just “block sizes” — it also influences how read errors propagate. See [1] and [2] for details and to figure out the best bs value for your use case.
Boot sectors (Why I wrote boot signature, I don’t know; it made sense at the time) vary in size, as I found a few times when needing to strip them from various images and disks.
I probably confused myself in the wee hours, when remembering I had to set the block size (bs=) portion of the command I used to successfully save the boot information to file.