Trying to install Invidious

Im trying to install invidious.

I cant… it seems that the documentation is old (I try the manual)

i dont know how try with the docker.

I try then from here

i installed and is not working, but, if i create a DB following a part of the manual documentation like this:

sudo -i -u postgres
psql -c "CREATE USER kemal WITH PASSWORD 'kemal';" # Change 'kemal' here to a stronger password, and update `password` in config/config.yml
createdb -O kemal invidious

Then… invidious start, but… cant see any video… buuuuuut, if i later DELETE the DB… i can see the videos… but if i restart the invidious service, then again dont work.

What i can do?

In your browser type
That should do it. I never installed it, you need a browser anyway .

i dont understand…
yes, your link go to my local server… and i can see videos (after what i tell in the first post, but nothing if i reboot).
Now that is “working” if i try to log-in or register i get this:

Title: (DB::PoolRetryAttemptsExceeded)
Date: 2023-10-20T01:29:24Z
Route: /login?referer=%2Ffeed%2Fpopular&type=invidious
Version: 2023.10.10-069e91d2 @ master


  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from /usr/lib/invidious/invidious in '??'
  from ???

Probably because the DB dont exist anymore. But if i create again the DB… then i cant see videos.

Moderator edit: Fixed formatting

To “fix” this i follow other part of the documentation…

psql invidious kemal < config/sql/channels.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/videos.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/channel_videos.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/users.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/session_ids.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/nonces.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/annotations.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/privacy.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/playlists.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/playlist_videos.sql

in the documentation this was declared just for MacOs… but it is necessary (it seems) also for Manjaro.

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