Troubleshooting Bluetooth mouse

Not able to connect bluetooth mouse to new install of Manjaro.

I am new to Manjaro, new to Framework. Have used Ubuntu and mac last few years.

Manjaro latest, on new framework 13, with moderately well used Logitech bluetooth MX Anywhere 2S mouse. Mouse works on my mac

Mouse has charge, is disconnected from other devices. Other BT devices are off. Mouse is reset to factory settings.

Manjaro KDE BT gui tool started, BT turned on, search devices. Lots of ?MAC or ?UUID numbers, eventually the Mouse appears by name. Select it, and click pair. Sometimes fails out right, sometimes waiting then fails outright. Tried lots of BT off and on, mouse off and on.

Read the Arch linux wiki about bluetoothctl. Installed and tried, very similar to the GUI.

Read about updating the Framework firmware, but I think that is not relevant here as I did that to get round the RTC battery issue this Framework had. Have a new battery, works fine, no soldering required.

My bluetooth earphones pair sort off right away. (β€œEarFun”)

Any thoughts?

Buy a wifi mouse. Works more reliable. There could be many reasons, incl. power management and hardware linked issues.

Hi @clexp ,
Welcome to the forum, the Arch Wiki Framework Laptop 13 suggest to chech whether you have installed the linux-firmware package.
β€˜Framework Laptop 13 - ArchWiki’

Could you read this post and see whether it could help to solve your problem?
β€˜Devices - Solaar Documentation’’

On the Framework forum you have a similar question asked a few years ago.
β€˜Recommend a Bluetooth mouse without receiver - Framework Laptop 13 - Framework Community’

Hope it help,

Thankyou for an amazing reply! quick and complete, super helpful.

pacman -Qs linux-firmware
local/linux-firmware 20241210.b00a7f7e-1 Firmware files for Linux local/linux-firmware-whence 20241210.b00a7f7e-1 Firmware files for Linux - contains the WHENCE license file which documents the vendor license details

Yes, I think the firmware is installed

Solaar, going go have a look

Alternative mice: I am currently using a spare Logitech M220, which is a micro one with an USB A dongle. I will get a proper USB A port.

The Arch wiki gave me an option to update the fingerprint reader, so now on 01000334, which I think is latest stable.

That was super helpful and there is lots to work with here. Thanks.

ArchWiki - Bluetooth mouse - Problems with the Logitech BLE mouse (M557, M590, M720, anywhere mouse 2, etc)

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