Trouble downloading Davinci Resolve Studio

I think I got it almost! It was a mixture of things: As you pointed out I had to start with the prime-run command.

Then I used the non-studio version of davinci resolve, where .mp4 and .mts codecs and others are not supported. I now have some braw video played back correctly in davinci resolve. :slight_smile: Only thing now I would need to upgrade to
resolve studio to get my projects running on manjaro. Problem is when trying to install via yay I get this, but this is already a different problem:

Making package: davinci-resolve-studio 19.1.3-2 (Thu 30 Jan 2025 01:41:44 CET)
==> Retrieving sources…
→ Downloading…
curl: (3) URL rejected: Bad file:// URL
==> ERROR: Failure while downloading file://
→ error downloading sources: /home/kalimerox/.cache/yay/davinci-resolve-studio
context: exit status 1

:: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: davinci-resolve-studio
==> Making package: davinci-resolve-studio 19.1.3-2 (Thu 30 Jan 2025 01:41:45 CET)
==> Checking runtime dependencies…
==> Checking buildtime dependencies…
==> Retrieving sources…
→ Downloading…
curl: (3) URL rejected: Bad file:// URL
==> ERROR: Failure while downloading file://
→ error making: davinci-resolve-studio-exit status 1
→ Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required:
davinci-resolve-studio - exit status 1

great to learn this can work via nvidia-prime!

Ah, yes, a different problem indeed.

It is important for those that use the AUR to be at least somewhat familiar with it.

One of the customary actions when using the AUR in general, but certainly when encountering problems, is to investigate the page for that AUR package.

We will note a pinned comment.

I can also point out how to do this a bit ( including the manual makepkg approach )…

Make sure we are ready for the AUR

sudo pacman -Syu git base-devel

Get the package

git clone

We should now have a davinci-resolve-studio directory.
This is where you need to put what you downloaded as outlined in the note.

Now we can enter the directory and build;

cd davinci-resolve-studio
makepkg -sric

I will also attach the wiki intro for the AUR:

You may note I split these messages into a new thread due to the divergent topics.

thank you so so much! I am reading and trying this right now, I will let you know how it goes.

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wonderful, this all went well. I got davinci resolve studio installed and can start it with the prime-run command. Last obstacle is an error I when I try to activate the license. I am trying some things now and let you know

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And just in case, heres mentioning the archwiki article

As usual the arch wiki has some decent information including a troubleshooting section with some various entries.

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Ok , this seems to be the last step but I m a bit out of luck: The typical license activation. From what I read the problem could have various sources. The License file is in /opt/resolve/.license and it is there.

I tried to change the rights of the file with

sudo chmod -R 7777 .license

but no luck.

One suggestion was also , in case it is a bug in Resolve, to downgrade to the Base version of Resolve, activate, and then upgrade.

But I have no idea how to do that. I tried to do the procedure you outlined above and do it with Resolve19.0 and change the PKGBUILD file to pkgver=19.0, but then it tries to download the package which fails. So something I am missing here…

( including the manual makepkg approach )…

I think I am doing a mistake there: I am trying to install now an older version of Resolve to solve the activation problem. With your method I could easily install the recent version, but for downgrading, I do not know how to edit the PKGUILD or something else to be able to install it. I downloaded Resolve 19, then I changed the Version in the PKGBUILD to 19.0 but this did not do the trick.

You’ll also need to change the source in the pkgbuild to point to your downloaded file, I assume, but note I’m not familiar with this.

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You see the PKGBUILD?

PKGBUILD - aur.git - AUR Package Repositories

  • line 14 is: pkgver=19.1.3
    → adapt this for the version you want or already have

  • line 27 - the sha256sums= ...
    will now, of course, be wrong - it is a different file now
    To “fix” this, run:
    then build it (makepkg …)

This should fetch the file
if it is still available -
or use the one you have and have put in the appropriate place -
and then build and install it.

I cannot test any of this - I don’t know the program or how to use it, probably don’t have any of the needed drivers, only have Manjaro in a VM, and I don’t have a licence/activation key.

I know nothing of the activation - but when that is (likely) done by running the program in your user account, the configuration also takes place and is stored within your user account.

I don’t know where - likely under ~/.config.

Look through your hidden directories for something pertaining to davinci
and delete it - to start the procedure from scratch.

Probably no need to bother with changing the PKGBUILD to install an older version.

What you did here:

is almost definitely wrong and even counterproductive.

The license comes with the program.
The activation is a different matter.

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Thank you both for your patience and help.

I am trying to edit the PKGBUILD file : I changed the version Number to 19.0 and Downloaded that version and put it in the same folder than the PKGBUILD file. I tried running

updpkgsums PKGBUILD

but I get

==> Retrieving sources…
→ Downloading…
curl: (3) URL rejected: Bad file:// URL
==> ERROR: Failure while downloading file://
==> ERROR: Failed to generate new checksums

I wonder how I can edit the PKGBUILD file that it does not point to the url but to the actual directory? can I exchange the url for /home/username/davinci-resolve-studio in some way?

I am pretty sure that when I can install that base level Version, I can finally activate. Looks like a lot of people were struggling with that recently…

What is the exact filename of that v.19 zip?

Is it ?

If so, all you need to do is drop that file in the same directory as the PKGBUILD and change the pkgver=19.1.3 line to whatever that number is in that file between the _ characters. if it is 19 then pkgver=19, is it is 19.0 then pkgver=19.0.

When this is finished you can run (from within that directory);


Then build as usual;

makepkg -sric
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Yes, exactly that filename.

I did all the steps and installed davinci resolve studio 19.0.2 successfully, and still have the Activation error. The command line sais this

ctCCMessage Already in Table: Code= 2282, Mode= 0, Level= 0, CmdKey= 8, Option= 0 Linux/Clang x86_64
Main thread starts: BE83E000
log4cxx: setFile(./logs/rollinglog.txt,true) call failed.
log4cxx: IO Exception : status code = 2
0x7b2dbe83e000 | Undefined | INFO | 2025-01-31 00:50:38,856 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
log4cxx: No output stream or file set for the appender named [RollLogAppender].

I dont know what it means but I think I tried everything possible with your great help , learned a thing or two but cannot get it to run…

I am not sure … except I see in another thread that another user went all the way back to 18.6.6 for it to work.

It would seem this is a point for asking upstream.

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yeah I definitely will! I even installed 18.5.6 and have the same issue. It is really strange and they should really do something about their compatibility on linux systems…