There was a post on here recently talking about making sure fstrim was enabled. My question is if I’m running a dual boot configuration on my laptop (Windows 10 + Manjaro), will fstrim perform a trim on ALL my partitions (including Windows 10 NTFS)?
Or do I need to do something separate on the Windows side to make sure trim is working?
Thanks in advance to everyone for your time and help, it is greatly appreciated!
Yes, that is correct. But bear in mind that the trim is scheduled for Sunday night at midnight, so if your machine is not running at that point in time, it’ll be executed upon the next boot.
Thanks for all the details everyone. I have successfully enabled the service. I did do a test run and noticed it ONLY did my Linux partitions. I did not see any trimming of my Windows NTFS partition.
Is there additional steps I need to enable for it to Trim my Windows partition correctly?
Just as an addendum, fstrim can be run manually with:
sudo fstrim / -v
this will trim any drive that is an SSD or NVME, starting in the / directory. If the /var directory was mounted on a separate SSD, and you wanted just to trim that drive, you would run the following;
sudo fstrim /var -v
after fstrim runs, it will tell you how much it trimmed, if it seems to take a long time, it may have a lot to do.
It’s good to run this yourself now and then. You can see how bad you needed to TRIM. You don’t hurt anything by running it, just performance for the brief time it needs to erase cells, which takes longer the less you do it. This only improvements write performance, and does not increase wear on your drive, and does the opposite.
if I leave it a whole week, I know it is not near enough for my system for the hundreds of gigs it trims. So here is how to change it to daily (or whenever you want).
To change it without changing the /usr/lib/systemd unit, and override it in /etc/systemd (so you don’t have to deal with pacsave files on this), run this:
sudo systemctl edit fstrim.timer
Add the two lines between the comments at the top.
### Editing /etc/systemd/system/fstrim.timer.d/override.conf
### Anything between here and the comment below will become the contents of the drop-in file
### Edits below this comment will be discarded
### /usr/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.timer
# [Unit]
# Description=Discard unused filesystem blocks once a week
# Documentation=man:fstrim
# ConditionVirtualization=!container
# ConditionPathExists=!/etc/initrd-release
# [Timer]
# OnCalendar=weekly
# AccuracySec=1h
# Persistent=true
# RandomizedDelaySec=100min
# [Install]
You may want to add a third line and change RandomizedDelaySec=100min to something less (or 0) as well.
This will execute at midnight, or the next boot following. If you want a specific time, it follows cron type format. (days-of-week) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS