Translating Gnome layout switcher

What about apps like gnome-layout-switcher? Do we have to edit po files on GitLab?

Translations are not yet at all implement in gnome-layout-switcher. I’ll look into implementing at some point, probably next year.

@Chrysostomus: I would like to help you to translate the Gnome Layout switcher in another language. So, when will the translation be implemented in Gnome Layout switcher ?


Unfortunately it is currently a low priority. It’s going to need a rewrite in another language to integrate into gnome settings center and that comes first.

@Chrysostomus: Ok. I guess that there is no possibility to modify directly (translate) the items without a .mo file ? I mean by that modify the elements by ourself in the Gnome layout switcher.

Should be possible, it is just a simple python script

@Chrysostomus: OK. What is the name of the python script where the translate items are ?
