I’d like to change the number of pixels the second click can be off by, to count as a double-click. I recall that I used to have a setting like this, but in the current KDE settings, under Touchpad, I don’t see a setting for this. Is there a setting hiding somewhere, or is there a file I can edit to change this? As always, any help is greatly appreciated.
You mean where the mouse cursor is located on screen?
Isn’t it more a mouse sensivity setting?
Just asking…
Thanks, I think it’s actually a touchpad issue because it’s the sensitivity of the touchpad to consider a double-tap as a click based on how many pixels the mouse has moved between taps. Not sure if I’m explaining it very well. Anyway, there’s nothing in mouse settings for it, either (that I can find).
The setting I think used to be for the amount of time it counted the tap as a click vs. counting it as just moving the mouse. And that might be like a double-click speed setting, but again, I have no setting for that, under mouse or trackpad.
I do have a setting for Repeat Interval for the mouse, but this isn’t what I’m looking for. Changing it does not solve the issue. I’ve tested it at both extremes, and it’s not really helping. I guess I need a trackpad sensitivity setting of some kind.
Looking at old screenshots of the settings on the kde forum, it looks like “trackpad sensitivity” is what I want. Do I need to take this up with KDE folks?
This might be the wisest choice.
I agree that a click sensitivity setting of some kind is a distinct advantage; not all mice are made equal.
Where there is an issue with something not working, forum Members might be able to help, but if a feature does not seem to exist in Plasma (whereas perhaps it should) then KDE should likely be your first port of call.