Hi, it started some month ago that the task bar does not stay on the buttom of the screen, as I want it, but it moves to the top of the screen. This leads to problems because I cannot see the upper part of program windows. I can, of course, change the position of the taskbar, but I do not want to do it so often. Is there a possibility to fix the position of taskbar at the button of the screen?
Yes, there is. Type this command below in a terminal window…
qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "lockCorona(true)"
Bear in mind however that this will prevent you from adding widgets and/or icons to the panel and/or the desktop. If you want to add or remove widgets or icons again later, then you should run the command…
qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "lockCorona(false)"
Note: If you want to be able to quickly switch back and forth between both states, then I recommend that you create shell aliases for these two commands in your ~/.bashrc
and/or ~/zshrc
, depending on which shell you prefer…
alias widgets-lock='qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "lockCorona(true)"'
alias widgets-unlock='qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "lockCorona(false)"'
You will need to log out and log back in for the aliases to be loaded in your environment.
I used the command
qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "lockCorona(true)"
But, the next day the taskbar jumped again to the top of my screen,
Must I do something to make the change persistent, may be running that command on system start?
No, that command locks the desktop against unintentional changes and should be run only once.
I would suggest using the Edit Mode dialog to position your panel first before running the command. And if you’ve already run the command, then you’ll have to run the unlocking command from my post first before you can enter Edit Mode.
You may also want to empty ~/.cache
from a tty
— note: a tty
, while logged out of Plasma, not a terminal window in Plasma itself — to clear out old crud.
Another factor which may be interfering — even though it shouldn’t — could be the Plasma theme you are using. If you are using old Plasma 5 themes, then those are no longer compatible with Plasma 6, and then you’ll need to find a new one or stick with the upstream Plasma themes, i.e. Breeze or Oxygen.
Note: The Plasma theme is what specifies only the look & feel of the panels and widgets. It is not the same thing as a global theme, although global themes normally include a Plasma theme.
My KDE plasma version is 6.0.5.
Question to Aragorn: When I log in to my PC, I aleady reach the KDE / Plasma environment. How can I logout from Plasma to get a tty window which is not in Plasma?
You can go to a TTY at any time - whether you are logged in to KDE or not.
CTRL+ALT+F4 (F4 is for TTY4 and is only one of several TTY’s)
CTRL+ALT+left or right arrow to eventually go back to the graphical display
I followed the instructions: Open a tty window with CTRl+ALT+F4 and cleaned up the .cache folder. The taskbar stays now as I want it. But, I am not sure if it because of cache cleanup or because of change to new kernel
I’m thinking it’s the cache directory…
It is because of the cache being cleared.
A different kernel can’t be the reason, but if you want to verify this to yourself, simply boot another kernel or even the old one.
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