TLP: why installed on desktop-pc / sleep wakeup

My desktop pc is not reliably waking up from suspend with a keypress. While searching for the cause of this I checked the contents of /lib/systemd/system-sleep. There I found a tlp script. TLP is a ‘Linux Advanced Power Management’ application. It is targeted on LapTops / battery based pc’s, not desktops. Some topics on tlp can be found on the forum. I had never heard of tlp before and have not installed it myself.
I have uninstalled tlp and now my desktop wakes on a keypress without any help of udev rules and / or system-sleep scripts. So far so good.

My question is:

When and Why was this installed on my desktop? Does Manjaro installs tlp by default? (Arch does not)
Is my assumption plausible that the removal of tlp solved the sleep/wake issue of my desktop?

Thanks, hans.


I have deactivated the service.

systemctl status tlp                                                                                                                     
○ tlp.service - TLP system startup/shutdown
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/tlp.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)

With tlp-stat you can check the config

Depending how old the ISO you used to install is, it may have included tlp as we used to ship it.

Not anymore, no.

Possible, however TLP should be doing nothing on AC power.

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❯ stat / | grep "Birth" | sed 's/Birth: //g' | cut -b 2-11

At least, issues have been reported about this subject in the past:

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To my knowledge tlp is in the Packages Root and worse still its enabled in “enable_systemd=” in profile.conf

Are you sure? :wink:

A service can’t be enabled if it doesn’t exist.

Yes it is in root because I always have to delete it when I build iso’s to run on my desktop.

Ah, it is in community/cinnamon/Packages-Root, but not shared/Packages-Root.

Really all Packages-Root files should be symlinks to shared. I’ll work on that later.