Timezones Wrong

Just a quick post America/Recife uses UTC-3 not UTC-2

And in what context do you see different?

Your timezone in the forum is set to Recife and seems to display the correct time when compared to any other online date/time service.

(Though discourse does not show something like “UTC-3” or similar anywhere that I can tell.)

It looks correct to me when I click your avatar, at UTC -3?

Maybe this is how they realize DST was abolished in brazil ~5 years ago.
OP just never got the memo. :sweat_smile:


And I wish they would get their act together and abolish it here as well! Stupid waste of time (literally). It will help to avoid this confusion! :wink:

Yesterday I saw some documentation on Australia.
Timezone distribution itself is crazy (in my estimation).
and DST on top of it
It’s even: adjust your clock +/- 45 minutes … going from one to the other …

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…for the purpose of…? :thinking:

…and… :point_down:

Please edit both your topic title and first post to adhere to the following guidelines:

Also see Locale - ArchWiki for reference.

For locale specific issues, posting the output of the following with proper formatting as outlined above will help others help you:

cat /etc/locale.conf
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This article was in ervin’s Web Review, Week 2024-44 a fortnight ago:

1st @cscs:

DST has only been abolished in only where i live and some places, and it is in installation, that it is wrong (at least graphical TZs).

2nd @Yochanan:

i am on my ipad rn and i have atest so i cant post cat /etc/locale.conf.

[account@account-manjaro ~]$ cat /etc/locale.conf  :heavy_check_mark:

I guess the wikipedia page on it is wrong then?

And still we have your current time on your profile, as of writing, as 18:05.

When I compare that to any online resource … the time is also 18:05. [ BRT (UTC-3) ]

Note that such resources also mention the lack of DST, with the following on that page;

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so why in and why we are talking about dst when its an installation problem (ik this because on instalation, at least 4 me, when i put america/recife it show Fernando de noronha’s(utc-2)timezone? and this also puts the hour at UTC-2? (i only use Recife here, because on my ipad, its right,to use the forum)and on installation, i put America/Maceio, which is UTC-3.

Time in Brazil 🇧🇷
Brazil spans several time zones

  • Fernando de Noronha Standard Time -02:00
  • Brasilia Standard Time -03:00
  • Amazon Standard Time -04:00
  • Acre Standard Time -05:00

Timezone: America/Recife  Offset  -3:00

Timezone: America/Noronha  Offset  -2:00

Sorry, its right, but on the installer, it covers the Noronha timezone as Recife’s.