I installed kernel 6.5.1 a few days ago and noticed that hibernation (aka suspend-to-disk) stopped working. But it continue to work with 6.1 and 6.4 kernels.
With 6.5 I get this:
systemctl hibernate
Call to Hibernate failed: Not enough swap space for hibernation
uname -r
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 15695 6983 6398 1138 3783 8712
Swap: 16383 139 16244
/dev/nvme0n1p7 partition 16G 139,3M -2
inxi -Fza
Kernel: 6.5.1-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
clocksource: tsc available: acpi_pm
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.5-x86_64
root=UUID=1c61cba9-a633-43a2-a05b-7a5fcafbb684 rw quiet splash
resume=c65d974a-df07-4cdf-8f66-cd9b61ac34fe udev.log_priority=3
Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.7 tk: Qt v: 5.15.10 info: latte-dock
wm: kwin_wayland vt: 1 dm: SDDM Distro: Manjaro Linux base: Arch Linux
Type: Laptop System: LENOVO product: 21AH00BSUS v: ThinkPad T14 Gen 3
serial: <superuser required> Chassis: type: 10 serial: <superuser required>
Mobo: LENOVO model: 21AH00BSUS v: SDK0T76538 WIN
serial: <superuser required> UEFI: LENOVO v: N3MET16W (1.15 )
date: 06/25/2023
ID-1: BAT0 charge: 52.9 Wh (99.8%) condition: 53.0/52.5 Wh (101.0%)
volts: 17.3 min: 15.5 model: Sunwoda 5B10W51867 type: Li-poly
serial: <filter> status: full cycles: 22
Info: model: 12th Gen Intel Core i7-1260P bits: 64 type: MST AMCP
arch: Alder Lake level: v3 note: check built: 2021+
process: Intel 7 (10nm ESF) family: 6 model-id: 0x9A (154) stepping: 3
microcode: 0x42C
Topology: cpus: 1x cores: 12 mt: 4 tpc: 2 st: 8 threads: 16 smt: enabled
cache: L1: 1.1 MiB desc: d-8x32 KiB, 4x48 KiB; i-4x32 KiB, 8x64 KiB
L2: 9 MiB desc: 4x1.2 MiB, 2x2 MiB L3: 18 MiB desc: 1x18 MiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 2232 high: 2500 min/max: 400/4700:3400 scaling:
driver: intel_pstate governor: powersave cores: 1: 2500 2: 2500 3: 2500
4: 2500 5: 1126 6: 2500 7: 1038 8: 2500 9: 2500 10: 1061 11: 2500 12: 2500
13: 2500 14: 2500 15: 2500 16: 2500 bogomips: 79888
Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx
Type: gather_data_sampling status: Not affected
Type: itlb_multihit status: Not affected
Type: l1tf status: Not affected
Type: mds status: Not affected
Type: meltdown status: Not affected
Type: mmio_stale_data status: Not affected
Type: retbleed status: Not affected
Type: spec_rstack_overflow status: Not affected
Type: spec_store_bypass mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via
Type: spectre_v1 mitigation: usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer
Type: spectre_v2 mitigation: Enhanced / Automatic IBRS, IBPB:
conditional, RSB filling, PBRSB-eIBRS: SW sequence
Type: srbds status: Not affected
Type: tsx_async_abort status: Not affected
Device-1: Intel Alder Lake-P Integrated Graphics vendor: Lenovo driver: i915
v: kernel arch: Gen-12.2 process: Intel 10nm built: 2021-22+ ports:
active: eDP-1 empty: DP-1, DP-2, DP-3, DP-4, HDMI-A-1 bus-ID: 00:02.0
chip-ID: 8086:46a6 class-ID: 0300
Device-2: Syntek Integrated Camera driver: uvcvideo type: USB rev: 2.0
speed: 480 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 2.0 bus-ID: 3-4:3 chip-ID: 174f:1812
class-ID: fe01 serial: <filter>
Display: wayland server: X.org v: with: Xwayland v: 23.2.0
compositor: kwin_wayland driver: X: loaded: modesetting
alternate: fbdev,vesa dri: iris gpu: i915 display-ID: 0
Monitor-1: eDP-1 res: 1920x1200 size: N/A modes: N/A
API: OpenGL v: 4.6 Mesa 23.1.6-3 renderer: Mesa Intel Graphics (ADL GT2)
direct-render: Yes
Device-1: Intel Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio vendor: Lenovo
driver: sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl
alternate: snd_hda_intel,snd_sof_pci_intel_tgl bus-ID: 00:1f.3
chip-ID: 8086:51c8 class-ID: 0403
API: ALSA v: k6.5.1-1-MANJARO status: kernel-api with: aoss
type: oss-emulator tools: alsactl,alsamixer,amixer
Server-1: JACK v: 1.9.22 status: off tools: N/A
Server-2: PipeWire v: 0.3.79 status: off with: wireplumber status: active
tools: pw-cli,wpctl
Server-3: PulseAudio v: 16.1 status: active with: pulseaudio-alsa
type: plugin tools: pacat,pactl
Device-1: Intel Alder Lake-P PCH CNVi WiFi driver: iwlwifi v: kernel
bus-ID: 00:14.3 chip-ID: 8086:51f0 class-ID: 0280
IF: wlp0s20f3 state: up mac: <filter>
Device-2: Intel Ethernet I219-V vendor: Lenovo driver: e1000e v: kernel
port: N/A bus-ID: 00:1f.6 chip-ID: 8086:1a1f class-ID: 0200
IF: enp0s31f6 state: down mac: <filter>
Device-1: Intel driver: btusb v: 0.8 type: USB rev: 2.0 speed: 12 Mb/s
lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 3-10:4 chip-ID: 8087:0033 class-ID: e001
Report: rfkill ID: hci0 rfk-id: 2 state: up address: see --recommends
Local Storage: total: 931.51 GiB used: 255.93 GiB (27.5%)
SMART Message: Unable to run smartctl. Root privileges required.
ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 maj-min: 259:0 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 980 PRO 1TB
size: 931.51 GiB block-size: physical: 512 B logical: 512 B speed: 63.2 Gb/s
lanes: 4 tech: SSD serial: <filter> fw-rev: 5B2QGXA7 temp: 35.9 C
scheme: GPT
ID-1: / raw-size: 70 GiB size: 68.35 GiB (97.64%) used: 39.6 GiB (57.9%)
fs: ext4 dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5 maj-min: 259:5
ID-2: /boot/efi raw-size: 260 MiB size: 256 MiB (98.46%)
used: 51.7 MiB (20.2%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/nvme0n1p1 maj-min: 259:1
ID-3: /home raw-size: 343.29 GiB size: 336.83 GiB (98.12%)
used: 216.15 GiB (64.2%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/nvme0n1p6 maj-min: 259:6
Kernel: swappiness: 60 (default) cache-pressure: 100 (default) zswap: yes
compressor: zstd max-pool: 20%
ID-1: swap-1 type: partition size: 16 GiB used: 139.2 MiB (0.8%)
priority: -2 dev: /dev/nvme0n1p7 maj-min: 259:7
System Temperatures: cpu: 40.0 C mobo: N/A
Fan Speeds (rpm): fan-1: 2362
Processes: 375 Uptime: 4h 24m wakeups: 1646 Memory: total: 16 GiB note: est.
available: 15.33 GiB used: 6.76 GiB (44.1%) Init: systemd v: 253
default: graphical tool: systemctl Compilers: gcc: 13.2.1 clang: 16.0.6
Packages: pm: pacman pkgs: 1713 libs: 444 tools: octopi,pamac,yay
pm: flatpak pkgs: 0 Shell: Zsh v: 5.9 running-in: yakuake inxi: 3.3.29
Any ideas on that?