I am using wayland, and the driver downgrade made everything flicker again, I tried the provided command to get the driver back sudo pacman -U https://mirror.easyname.at/manjaro/pool/overlay/nvidia-dkms-555.58.02-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
but it spits out this error warning: cannot resolve "nvidia-utils=555.58.02", a dependency of "nvidia-dkms"
can anyone help, i’d like to keep going on wayland…
I just checked the URL and it is valid. Maybe try downloading it and then running pacman -U pointing it to the downloaded file instead of the URL?
Welcome to the community, by the way!
Thank you, I’m pretty sure the package provided only includes the dkms module and none of the dependencies and other bits my system requires to get the driver up and running and it’s why I have the message
I would have the find a way to upgrade the nvidia-utils as well as the dkms driver
I misread that bit, sorry! Indeed, the one you want isn’t in the main repos or the AUR. Unfortunately it may be a waiting game. All that shows up here at present:
pamac search -a nvidia-utils=555
nvidia-utils-beta 555.52.04-2 AUR
NVIDIA drivers utilities (beta version)
lib32-nvidia-utils-beta 555.52.04-1 AUR
NVIDIA drivers utilities (32-bit, beta version)
I think I found a potential solution though I will just revert my system to the previous version and wait for the driver to come back
In short, you would need to not only install the dkms package but also all the dependencies from the repo given by the maintainers since it contains all of the 555 dependencies in it. Though you would have to find all those yourself and hope it doesn’t break something along the way
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