The mirror server location misreport can’t be located in Australia: it has a way too fast response for my location.

sudo pacman-mirrors --api --protocol https --country all --set-branch stable
::INFO Branch in config is changed
::INFO Protocols in config is changed
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool:
::INFO => Mirror status:
::INFO Using default mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  0.079 Australia      :
sudo pacman-mirrors --api --protocol https --country all --set-branch testing
::INFO Branch in config is changed
::INFO Protocols in config is changed
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool:
::INFO => Mirror status:
::INFO Using default mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  0.087 Australia      :

Maybe this helps?

about half way down - first comment and his response


The speed is all down to CloudFlare, I have managed to get the cache ratio nice and high so very little traffic actually comes from Australia :slight_smile:

So the only mirror from 30 who use cloud servers?

@linux-aarhus (pacman-mirrors initial author)
@Arisa (shiny-mirrors initial author)
May be it should not be noted as Australian then: it is misleading info.
Perhaps we need to introduce new value for origin something like cloud (origin: Australia) or any other payload and useful sort of.

There is already a “Global” country in the mirror list.

Raise your request here:

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Both pacman-mirrors and shiny-mirrors depends on the mirror info on

The files which are read and parsed are

If the provider of said mirror is located in Australia, the mirror has been created as community service to Australian community - even if it uses a cloud service to host the mirror then it is correct to specify Australia as mirror country.

There is not need to create further filters or descriptions.

The Global entry was created when cdn77 mirror was created and the name was to specifically signify the Global audience.


Misleading mirror server location (#48) · Issues · WEB / · GitLab

Misleading implies ill intent and there no misleading or ill intent by specifying a country of origin.

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Ok, wrong/obsolete info.

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