The first console (with GUI) does not load after the upgrade to 20.1

Lenovo ideapad 700-15ISK
After one of the latest updates i have strange trouble:
After UEFI logo it shows black screen and nothing more.
After switch to the second console and back to first i see logon form screen.
What is it? How to fix it?
I reinstalled grub but it didn’t help.
I have these messages in logs:

kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Failure creating named object [\_PR.CPU0._PPC], AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20200326/dswload2-326)
kernel: ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During name lookup/catalog (20200326/psobject-220)
bluetoothd[789]: Failed to set mode: Blocked through rfkill (0x12)
gdm-password][1550]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
bluetoothd[789]: RFCOMM server failed for Headset Voice gateway: rfcomm_bind: Address already in use (98)
bluetoothd[789]: RFCOMM server failed for :1.83/Profile/HSPHSProfile/00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb: rfcomm_bind: Address already in use (98)

Hi! Welcome to the forum.

You may benefit from writing a xorg config file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
Please post the output of ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d


Have you looked at pam, pacnews exists ?

Thank you,
output from this command is:

00-keyboard.conf  90-mhwd.conf

I have no this file in /etc/pam.d directory.

Please post the output of cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-mhwd.conf and inxi -Gazy

cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-mhwd.conf

## Generated by mhwd - Manjaro Hardware Detection

inxi -Gazy

  Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 530 vendor: Lenovo driver: i915 v: kernel 
  bus ID: 00:02.0 chip ID: 8086:191b 
  Device-2: NVIDIA GM107M [GeForce GTX 950M] vendor: Lenovo driver: nvidia 
  v: 440.100 alternate: nouveau,nvidia_drm bus ID: 01:00.0 chip ID: 10de:139a 
  Device-3: Acer Lenovo EasyCamera type: USB driver: uvcvideo bus ID: 1-5:4 
  chip ID: 5986:0670 serial: <filter> 
  Display: x11 server: `` 1.20.8 compositor: gnome-shell v: 3.36.5 
  driver: modesetting,nvidia alternate: fbdev,intel,nouveau,nv,vesa 
  resolution: <xdpyinfo missing> 
  OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel HD Graphics 530 (SKL GT2) v: 4.6 Mesa 20.1.6 
  direct render: Yes

When you post code, please enclose it with the </> button or within three backticks.

Ok, you have hybrid graphics. Please post the output of sudo mhwd -li

> Installed PCI configs:
                  NAME               VERSION          FREEDRIVER           TYPE
video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-440xx-prime            2019.10.25               false            PCI

Warning: No installed USB configs!

Ok, let’s try to create xorg file for the intel card.

Create the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/91-intel.conf with the following content:

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Device0"
        Driver          "intel"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"
        Option          "DRI" "3"
        Option          "TearFree" "true"

Then reboot and post the output of the following commands:
glxinfo | grep -e "OpenGL renderer" -e "direct rendering"
prime-run glxinfo | grep -e "OpenGL renderer" -e "direct rendering"

Now, laptop generally stopped loading tty1 even after manipulating switching to tty2 and back.
I entered these commands in tty2 and for all of these the answer is:

Error: unable to open display

It’s normal to get that error from tty, because that display doesn’t belong to xorg.

I really thought it would boot normally. You can delete the file for now. I’ll be away for a while, but I’ll come back later.

In BIOS settings discrete card using as the main graphical device.

And that’s the way you want it? If so, there are instructions in archwiki to set it at the system level. You’ll probably need to write a xorg config file explicitly setting the nvidia driver and device as default. Maybe you don’t even need the prime driver. Needs to be checked in the wiki.

If you change that setting, does it boot normally?

I don’t know how it worked before, but nothing has changed in the last 2 years. I’ve always had both discrete and integrated graphics. I have never changed any settings either in BIOS, or in OS,
or in X-server - everything is by default. Somewhere in the middle of August, my tty1 just stopped loading GUI.

I can reproduce this problem by reinstalling the OS - after updating the system, I get the same situation.
if i don’t update the system, then everything is ok.

Ok, that option has nothing to do with it then. I’m getting out of ideas. I’m not that experienced with hybrid graphics. Maybe somebody else can help.

I don’t think any of the OP erros have anything to do with it, though.

thank you for your participation anyway!

You know, now that I think of it, I experienced exactly the same issue on my desktop for a while, but then it went away. It was intermittent, didn’t occur always, but sometimes I needed to change tty and back for the login to appear. This was maybe 2 years ago, not sure. I don’t use NVIDIA and my desktop has a single card, so video driver may not have anything to do with it. I also run KDE, so this probably isn’t DE related.

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Recently, I upgraded my system to 20.2.1 and after that my laptop booted the login window without any additional manipulation on my part.
Then, I reinstalled the OS from 0 - the same version 20.2.1 with GNOME. The problem resumed - the laptop could not load the login window correctly - everything was hanging on the Lenovo logo again.
Then I reinstalled OS with KDE (the same 20.2.1) and the problem did not reproduce.
In summary, I can say that apparently DE plays a part in this problem.