Hello, since a couple of months ago I have the following problem, when I boot my system the access points to the 5Ghz Wifi network are not displayed, only the 2.4GHz access points are shown, if I use from the terminal the following command:
sudo iw dev wlp3s0 scan | less
the list of access points of the 5GHz networks appear and I can connect without any problem from the Network Manager, but I have to use this command every time I want to connect to my network. With the 2.4GHz access points, as I said before, they are displayed without any problem.
I have searched in the manjaro forum, as in the arch forum, about a solution, but I can’t find the same problem, many very similar and trying to use what they recommend in those threads, but it didn’t work for me. I came to think that it had something to do with the regulatory domain and tried to try both with the code of my country (CO of Colombia), as the US and 00 which is the world regulatory domain, but this has not been useful.
I have had this problem for some time, but I had not had time to ask for help in the forum, now that I have a little more free time I do it and I hope that someone can help me
Here is the information generated by the manjaro log helper of inxi -Fxzc0 and journalctl -b 0