Thanks for all the great work!

Dear contributers and maintainers of this distro,

I have been using this distro as my first; Deliberately ignoring the fact that I did not qualify as I was an absolute beginner but ready to accept the consequences of that. From the start I followed the rule that I allowed myself to choose a different distro only after Manjaro would not be able to boot after an update and I would not be able to fix that in short term. Now, two years later Manjaro is still my daily driver without any breakages. I was a bit anxious whether the major Plasma update would FUBAR my install and carefully followed the TTY update advice. After update I only had to recreate my panel and I could restore it’s layout by finding the right replacements for some widgets I was using.

So, I would like to thank everyone at Manjaro who have made this possible!



Kind words. I too have had an overall positive experience with Manjaro these past few years. As with most distributions, actually. The only not-so-kind words I might have about any distribution might be a certain 'Buntu flavour I tried for a while:- there was never a FUBAR moment, but every major update would come with it’s own BOHICA; almost guaranteed.