Texlive tlmgr not working after installation

TexLive with my prior system was working fine… I have forgotten anything about installing and/or configuring it. I got a new hard disk and installed the Manjaro LInux 24.0.8.

After installing texlive, the command tlmgr insteall memoir issues the ff error:

/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/tlmgr.pl: config.guess script does not exist, goodbye: /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/../../tlpkg/installer/config.guess at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 330.

This does not really help, on what is going on. Has anybody encountered this? Is there a solution to this?

It works fine on KDE.
Which version are you using?

[~]$ tex
This is TeX, Version 3.141592653 (TeX Live 2024/Arch Linux) (preloaded format=tex)

The output seems to indicate an error in a Texlive file:

/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 330.

A problem with this version maybe. Perhaps a purge and reinstall of Texlive might magically fix it. :man_shrugging:

I’m assuming this wasn’t the exact command used. I think it should probably be something like sudo tlmgr install memoir

The LaTeX community might be a good place to ask for help, as the issue doesn’t seem to be Manjaro-related.

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You may be missing one or more package(s)

 $ pamac search texlive --no-aur
texlive-xetex  2024.2-3                                                                                  extra
    TeX Live - XeTeX and packages
texlive-publishers  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - Publisher styles, theses, etc.
texlive-pstricks  2024.2-3                                                                               extra
    TeX Live - PSTricks
texlive-plaingeneric  2024.2-3                                                                           extra
    TeX Live - Plain (La)TeX packages
texlive-pictures  2024.2-3                                                                               extra
    TeX Live - Graphics, pictures, diagrams
texlive-music  2024.2-3                                                                                  extra
    TeX Live - Music packages
texlive-metapost  2024.2-3                                                                               extra
    TeX Live - MetaPost and Metafont packages
texlive-meta  2024.2-3                                                                                   extra
    Metapackage to install Tex Live
texlive-mathscience  2024.2-3                                                                            extra
    TeX Live - Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages
texlive-luatex  2024.2-3                                                                                 extra
    TeX Live - LuaTeX packages
texlive-latexrecommended  2024.2-3                                                                       extra
    TeX Live - LaTeX recommended packages
texlive-latexextra  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - LaTeX additional packages
texlive-latex  2024.2-3                                                                                  extra
    TeX Live - LaTeX fundamental packages
texlive-langspanish  2024.2-3                                                                            extra
    TeX Live - Spanish
texlive-langportuguese  2024.2-3                                                                         extra
    TeX Live - Portuguese
texlive-langpolish  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - Polish
texlive-langother  2024.2-3                                                                              extra
    TeX Live - Other languages
texlive-langkorean  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - Korean
texlive-langjapanese  2024.2-3                                                                           extra
    TeX Live - Japanese
texlive-langitalian  2024.2-3                                                                            extra
    TeX Live - Italian
texlive-langgreek  2024.2-3                                                                              extra
    TeX Live - Greek
texlive-langgerman  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - German
texlive-langfrench  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - French
texlive-langeuropean  2024.2-3                                                                           extra
    TeX Live - Other European languages
texlive-langenglish  2024.2-3                                                                            extra
    TeX Live - US and UK English
texlive-langczechslovak  2024.2-3                                                                        extra
    TeX Live - Czech/Slovak
texlive-langcyrillic  2024.2-3                                                                           extra
    TeX Live - Cyrillic
texlive-langcjk  2024.2-3                                                                                extra
    TeX Live - Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base)
texlive-langchinese  2024.2-3                                                                            extra
    TeX Live - Chinese
texlive-langarabic  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - Arabic
texlive-humanities  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - Humanities packages
texlive-games  2024.2-3                                                                                  extra
    TeX Live - Games typesetting
texlive-formatsextra  2024.2-3                                                                           extra
    TeX Live - Additional formats
texlive-fontutils  2024.2-3                                                                              extra
    TeX Live - Graphics and font utilities
texlive-fontsrecommended  2024.2-3                                                                       extra
    TeX Live - Recommended fonts
texlive-fontsextra  2024.2-3                                                                             extra
    TeX Live - Additional fonts
texlive-doc  2024.2-3                                                                                    extra
    TeX Live - documentation
texlive-context  2024.2-3                                                                                extra
    TeX Live - ConTeXt and packages
texlive-binextra  2024.2-3                                                                               extra
    TeX Live - TeX auxiliary programs
texlive-bin  2024.2-3                                                                                    extra
    TeX Live binaries
texlive-bibtexextra  2024.2-3                                                                            extra
    TeX Live - BibTeX additional styles
texlive-basic  2024.2-3                                                                                  extra
    TeX Live - Essential programs and files
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Installing the texlive-generic package worked.

Historically, a minor edit was required to get tlmgr to function. The Arch Wiki describes the necessary steps.

- $Master = "$Master/../.."
+ $Master = "${Master}/../../.."

Although it also seems to suggest that this should no longer be needed,

With texlive-basic the tlmgr utility should work out of the box.

I had to make the above edit in order to get my tlmgr to work.

I recommend not using tlmgr but rather stick to the repo packages.

tlmgr is part of the (predumedly) base Texlive package installed from the Manjaro repo.

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