[Testing Update] 2024-03-16 - Kernel, Calamares, Mesa, Plasma 6, KF 6, KDE Gear 24.04, LibreOffice

Are you able to untick this service menu from Dolphin setting in Context Menu, and can you confirm that unticking it removes the context menu? For me the whole service menu thing is broken I can’t configure service menus, ALL entries show up (example with Root Actions from AUR, or Meld Menu, all their entries show up in context menu when you right click inside a folder).

//EDIT: in the file /home/omano/.config/kservicemenurc I can see my configuration, where all the actions from my service menus are set to FALSE but they still show in Doplhin.

You are correct, it does NOT remove the menu. LOL
The focus I had was to get it to appear.

I will look into if this is reported to kde or not. clearly a bug.

But “open as root” works for me, it asks for password and then opens Dolphin as root.

As for the AUR context menus, they are probably not ported to plasma 6, just as the old “open as root” was not.
Before I installed the ported menu, “open as root” was still showing in the context menu settings in Dolphin, and it was clicked, but the menu was not showing.
So I suspect it somehow accepts the old plasma 5 menus in the settings, but the actual menu (when right clicking) demands ported versions to plasma 6.

Yep the actions themselves work, but you can not hide the actions you do not want to appear in context menu. Thanks for confirming.

For fun, if you want to, try changing the file names from using _ to -, ie cp open_as_root.desktop open-as-root.desktop

Because just as you state, if you open the desktop file, and run the exec line in a terminal, it still worked with the old plasma 5 desktop file.

Hi, yeah my profile is a little misleading currently, I’ll fix that. My desktop-pc is on the testing branch while my laptop is on the stable branch. This issue appeared dicrectly after this update. This is also why I noted this here as an issue/comment, as it might be a correlation instead of a causality.

Edit: Maybe it’s worth to wait for the upcoming gnome release, maybe that helps

Another Edit: I kinda “solved” it by rolling back via timeshift to the previous state, updated again and changed the mkinitcpio.conf like before, rebuild and then rebooted - without issues. Whatever…Guess I was just unlucky and there was a random error while updating.

I have encountered a strange problem with dying X11 server. Added a topic for it: Sometimes X11 server die after left-click after the last update (Maybe Qt problem)

Care to explain? I already made my point earlier but whatever.

Explain what? That occasionally there are manual interventions needed because some logic or whatever of a package changed? Well, there are.

I have same doubt after seeing that in /boot/grub/grub.cfg still have the ucode.img:

initrd  /amd-ucode.img /initramfs-6.6-x86_64.img

Is it a duplication?

Another thing I done after this update, like after every update, I examined the terminal output (I use pacman) and I saw for optional packages dependencies and for pacnew files.
After adjusting the mkinitcpio.conf, taking a cue from the pacnew (with the doubt explained before); I saw the /etc/pam.d/kde.pacnew and moved entirely at place of the original file /etc/pam.d/kde. Is it correct? Someone that didn’t change that file had some issues?

lmfao r u srs

That the manual intervention we are talking about is actually relevant or if it’s actually absolutely useless. You don’t ask users to do manual interventions they risk to screw up if it is not a necessity.

Well, yes, if you made the microcode being included in the initramfs, loading the microcode updates in initrd is redundant… If not, well, it’s fine to leave it like that.

I didn’t touch that file and I have nothing to say so far.

Switched to testing mainly to try out Plasma 6.

Went pretty smoothly, some unsupported widgets had to be removed, but that’s to be expected.

Only one (minor) issue so far:
Some of the tooltips (or whatever the small windows are called that are displayed when hovering over e.g. icons in the task bar) are “slightly” persistent. Meaning, when I (quickly) go over several icons in the task bar or e.g. the window list/task switcher widget, parts of the old tooltip may remain when the new one appears. It usually fixes itself within a second or such and is just a minor graphical glitch.
For what it’s worth, I’m using an laptop based on a AMD R5 4600U with the 6.6 LTS kernel (no change with 6.8).

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It may be a Wayland bug, I don’t have this issue on X11. You can log off and log back in in a X11 session instead to see if it fixes the issue, and if it does then log in to X11 instead of Wayland (if you have auto login then configure SDDM in System Settings).

Maybe, can try tonight. However in that case it’s a new one for me, since I was using Wayland with Plasma5 before without this issue.

Yeah I think you gave me me aneurysm. Good job if I actually got baited.

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I noticed on KDE I can no longer change the monitors configuration from the Display widget, when I click one of the icons to switch monitors configuration, it stays on the current monitor configuration (single or dual monitor).

I think I’ve figured it out now.

own_window_type = 'dock',

is the way to go, so leave it as it is.

To avoid conky always being on top, add a new Window Rule in kde settings (Window Management), i. e. force the Conky-Window to always be “below”.

Pretty straightforward actually.

Tip: for those who miss the kernel section in the system settings of KDE Plasma, try installing systemdgenie. It is the same thing.

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Ah, your info made me realize that unofficial systemd-kcm comes out of the box in Manjaro KDE.
I am removing it because it hasn’t been maintained in over 9 years and doesn’t support Plasma 6. Thanks!

PS: I’m surprised many here haven’t noticed it except @zomberman

@Yochanan Maybe it’s time to drop this package?

Indeed I didn’t notice the SystemD KCM was not here anymore, but still it has nothing to do with the Kernel management in KDE System Settings I don’t know why he suggested that.