[Testing Update] 2023-11-22 - Kernels, Firefox, Appstream 1.0, Blender 4.0, Cinnamon 6.0

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Another testing branch update with some usual package updates for you.

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  • Manjaro, like many other open-source projects, relies on the generosity of its community through donations and corporate sponsorships to support its growth and development. These donations are essential in covering the various expenses incurred in the operations of the project such as server costs, software development tools, infrastructure expenses, training, flying people to events or conferences and the salaries of key developers. With the help of these donations, Manjaro is able to secure the necessary financial stability that allows the project to continuously improve and remain active. If you love Manjaro, consider to donate!
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Finding information easier about Manjaro

Finding information easier about Manjaro always has been a topic that needed to be solved. With our new search we have put all Manjaro data accessible in one place and divided by sections so it makes it easier to digest: New Manjaro search engine is available | Blog


Notable Package Updates:

  • Most Kernels got renewed
  • Firefox is at 120.0
  • Appstream has it’s first stable release 1.0
    • all depending packages got updated to work with the new API
    • report any issues you may have
  • Blender is at 4.0.1
  • Cinnamon 6.0 got released
  • Usual KDE-git, Haskell and Python updates

Additional Info

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

Get our latest daily developer images now from Github: Plasma, GNOME, XFCE. You can get the latest stable releases of Manjaro from CDN77.

Our current supported kernels

  • linux419 4.19.299
  • linux54 5.4.261
  • linux510 5.10.201
  • linux515 5.15.139
  • linux61 6.1.63
  • linux65 6.5.12
  • linux66 6.6.2
  • linux61-rt 6.1.59_rt16
  • linux65-rt 6.5.2_rt8
  • linux66-rt 6.6.0_rt14

Package Changes (Wed Nov 22 05:38:09 CET 2023)

  • testing core x86_64: 18 new and 18 removed package(s)
  • testing extra x86_64: 1702 new and 1678 removed package(s)
  • testing multilib x86_64: 11 new and 11 removed package(s)

Overlay Changes

  • testing extra x86_64: 114 new and 217 removed package(s)
  • testing core x86_64: 16 new and 16 removed package(s)
  • testing kde-unstable x86_64: 258 new and 257 removed package(s)

A list of all differences you may find here

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)
0 voters

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Known issues and solutions

This is a wiki post; please edit as necessary.
Please, consider subscribing to the Testing Updates Announcements RSS feed

Please RTFT (Read This Fine Thread) first before reporting the same issues over and over again!

:arrow_right: 2023-11-21


Nvidia 545 drivers might have issues

:information_source: Due to various issues including non working backlights on some machines, the NVIDIA 545 series feature branch drivers have been downgraded to the 535 series production branch drivers.

If you are having no issues with the 545 series, there is nothing to do. If you are, you can downgrade to the 535 series with pamac update --enable-downgrade or sudo pacman -Syuu.

So far we know about these issues the Nvidia 545 driver series has:

If you experience similar or new issues please run sudo usr/bin/nvidia-bug-report.sh and post either in an already given post or create a new one, including your generated nvidia-bug-report.log.gz for Nvidia to fix the issue: Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention

2023-11-02 - Frederik Schwan

We are introducing a change in JDK/JRE packages of our distro. This is triggered from the way a JRE is build in modern versions of Java (>9). We are introducing this change in Java 21.

To sum it up instead of having JDK and JRE packages coexist in the same system we will be making them conflict. The JDK variant package includes the runtime environment to execute Java applications so if one needs compilation and runtime of Java they need only the JDK package in the future. If, on the other hand, they need just runtime of Java then JRE (or jre-headless) will work.

This will (potentially) require a manual user action during upgrade:

  • If you have both JDK and JRE installed you can manually install the JDK with pacman -Sy jdk-openjdk && pacman -Su and this removes the JRE related packages.
  • If you have both JRE and JRE-headless you will need to choose one of them and install it manually since they would conflict each other now.
  • If you only have one of the JDK/JRE/JRE-headless pacman should resolve dependencies normally and no action is needed.

At the moment this is only valid for the upcoming JDK 21 release.

Arch Linux - News: Incoming changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention


Mechanical HDDs may not spin-down properly on shutdown

There might be a regression introduced with 6.6.0-rc4 which got also backported to 6.1.59 and 6.5.8 Kernels. There is a discussion with the author of the offending patch ongoing here.

ZFS package changes

ZFS extramodules; i.e., linuxXX-zfs, have been dropped from the repos. There have been recent difficulties building them and no one on the Manjaro Team uses ZFS.

Please install zfs-dkms instead. You will to need to manually remove the old 2.1.13 extramodule package(s) first to install the new 2.2.0 packages; i.e., with linux61:

sudo pacman -R linux61-zfs && sudo pacman -Syu zfs-dkms
Restarting gnome-shell using Alt+F2 and entering R, causes a crash

FS#79884 : [gnome-shell] Restarting gnome-shell using Alt+F2 and entering R, causes a crash

GNOME Extensions that target older GNOME versions will not work in GNOME 45

It is recommended to remove all third-party extensions before updating, then install the compatible versions after updating and rebooting. All Most extensions in the Manjaro repos are already updated.


glibc-locales update requires manual intervention

If you had the old glibc-locales package from the extra repo installed, the update to the new core package will need manual intervention:

 sudo pacman -Syu glibc-locales --overwrite /usr/lib/locale/\*/\*


Changes to default password hashing algorithm and umask settings

2023-09-22 - David Runge

With shadow >= 4.14.0, Arch Linux’s default password hashing algorithm changed from SHA512 to yescrypt [1].

Furthermore, the umask [2] settings are now configured in /etc/login.defs instead of /etc/profile.

This should not require any manual intervention.

Reasons for Yescrypt

The password-based key derivation function (KDF) and password hashing scheme yescrypt has been chosen due to its adoption (readily available in libxcrypt, which is used by pam [3]) and its stronger resilience towards password cracking attempts over SHA512.

Although the winner of the Password Hashing Competition [4] has been argon2, this even more resilient algorithm is not yet available in libxcrypt [5][6].

Configuring yescrypt

The YESCRYPT_COST_FACTOR setting in /etc/login.defs is currently without effect, until pam implements reading its value [7]. If a YESCRYPT_COST_FACTOR higher (or lower) than the default (5) is needed, it can be set using the rounds option of the pam_unix [8] module (i.e. in /etc/pam.d/system-auth).

General list of changes

  • yescrypt is used as default password hashing algorithm, instead of SHA512
  • pam honors the chosen ENCRYPT_METHOD in /etc/login.defs and does not override the chosen method anymore
  • changes in the filesystem (>= 2023.09.18) and pambase (>= 20230918) packages ensure, that umask is set centrally in /etc/login.defs instead of /etc/profile

[1] yescrypt - scalable KDF and password hashing scheme

[2] umask(1p) — Arch manual pages

[3] PAM - ArchWiki

[4] https://www.password-hashing.net/

[5] [RFC] Add argon2 backend. by ferivoz · Pull Request #113 · besser82/libxcrypt · GitHub

[6] Add support for Argon2 by maandree · Pull Request #150 · besser82/libxcrypt · GitHub

[7] pam_unix: Support reading YESCRYPT_COST_FACTOR from /etc/login.defs · Issue #607 · linux-pam/linux-pam · GitHub

[8] pam_unix(8) — Arch manual pages

Arch Linux - News: Changes to default password hashing algorithm and umask settings


filesystem and bashrc-manjaro pacnews

With the filesystem 2023.09.03-1 and bashrc-manjaro 5.1.016-3 updates there may be pacnews for the following files if you have local modifications:

  • /etc/shells
  • /etc/bash.bashrc

This would be a good time to test @Ste74’s new manjaro-pacnew-checker program. See Check and manage pacnew files for more info.

Previous testing threads:

Cinnamon 6 is out except for cinnamon which is still at 5.8.4.

1 Like

I was wondering the same :smile:

( 6/21) Updating the MIME type database...
Error in type 'application/x-core' (in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml): Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value.
Error in type 'image/jp2' (in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml): Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value.
Error in type 'image/jpx' (in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml): Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value.
Error in type 'image/jpm' (in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml): Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value.
Error in type 'video/mj2' (in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml): Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value.
Error in type 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop' (in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml): Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value.

See FS#80297 : [libxml2] 2.12.0-1 causes shared-mime-info hook flakiness and Non-deterministic behavior in 2.12.0 (#626) · Issues · GNOME / libxml2 · GitLab

Apparently fixed in 2.12.1

No issue with update, but there were 2 warning messages when updating appstream data

WARNING **: 13:29:06.025: Found icon of unknown type 'unknown' in 'system/flatpak/flatpak/cc.nift.nsm/*', skipping it.

[Bug]: Found icon of unknown type 'unknown' in 'system/flatpak/flatpak/cc.nift.nsm/*', skipping it. · Issue #4642 · flatpak/flatpak · GitHub

The correct change to resolve this would be for either: cc.nift.nsm to fix its metadata, or Flathub to filter it or stop publishing it.

NVIDIA driver stopped working after downgrading from 545 to 535. Seeing these lines in dmesg output.

[   24.543930] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   25.757409] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   27.088266] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   29.827393] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   31.450510] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   33.091181] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   39.738097] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   40.876917] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   42.046504] nvidia: version magic '6.6.1-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.6.2-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '

Is this a compilation issue? Seems like nvidia drivers were built for older kernel.

Kernels page in Manjaro Settings Manager is showing 6.6.2 as version for LTS kernel.

Same can be seen in KDE Settings as well. Same issue when running with older kernels as well.

[   22.963729] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   24.138005] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   25.271285] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   28.556894] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   30.098247] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   31.400604] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   33.268981] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   34.386757] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   35.687834] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   38.735486] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   39.994252] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
[   41.071968] nvidia: version magic '6.5.11-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '6.5.12-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '

Please suggest a workaround or fix.


Nevermind, I was able to resolve this issue. I moved to very old LTS kernel, and removed the latest kernels and reinstalled them. Doing so automatically downgraded the relevant NVIDIA package too and problem is solved.

Btw, the versions of current supported kernels shown in this above post are different from what I’m seeing in pamac.

  • linux66 6.6.1 => 6.6.2-1
  • linux65 6.5.11 => 6.5.12-1
  • linux61 6.1.62 => 6.1.63-1

While things are working as they should in my laptop, I’m a bit confused as to what is going on.

1 Like

Nvidia drivers got rebuilt after the initial update was done. Check for updates.

1 Like

I pushed an updated for that issue …


Updating appstream results in not opening, for example, file applications or settings in GNOME. Without updating this module, everything works fine.

Do you use by any change some 3rd party libadwaita?


Hmm, I don’t recall changing anything, but I have libadwaita-git installed from user repositories… I changed to libadwaita from the official repository and indeed - the problem disappeared. Thank you very much for the tip!

kernel 6.5.12 with amdgpu driver, I experience random brief DisplayPort screen disconnects. graphics card is Radeon RX 650
This is an issue that keeps returning every few months, depending on the kernel running. It is definitely not a hardware issue.

Not sure if this kernel message is related, it does not appear along with the screen flickering.
amdgpu 0000:07:00.0: [drm:amdgpu_ring_test_helper [amdgpu]] ERROR ring comp_1.0.1 test failed (-110)

How does 6.6 fare for you?

1 hour without issues, so that is very pleasing.