[Testing Update] 2022-01-24 - OpenSearch, Kernels, VirtualBox, Systemd, Firefox, Linux-Firmware

You should reboot if any files in use by the system are updated, not just the kernel.


Also I think it tells you that you need to reboot for all changes to take effect. Not sure about the message I usually don’t use Pamac to upgrade the system but I recall it just informs you that you need to reboot for the applied changes, and you can just click no/cancel in the prompt.

Brave browser now works with moving tabs around, perfect! :slight_smile:

I froze my version of the linux-firmware package in late 2020 because iwlwifi was messed up for AX200/AX201 series of cards. How will this split of the package impact this?

I am using AX200 and have had no problems for months.

While we are at it, we could consider marking 5.15 as LTS (it is in the longterm maintenance list on upstream website), and perhaps recommended too. :slight_smile:

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There’s already an open issue:

A post was split to a new topic: Consider continued support of kernels <5.4

I had some unfortunate journalctl spam as of late…this dbus message is spammed 10 times per second and I haven’t found a cause yet:

dbus-daemon[537]: [system] Rejected: destination has a full message queue, 0 matched rules; type="error", sender="(unset)" ((bus)) interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" requested_reply="1" destination=":1.39" (uid=1000 pid=1021 comm="xfwm4 ")

…probably another firefox video memory issue, but that’s tbd. Rebooting clears for now (until it happens again.)

@philm, I don’t suppose the 510 beta nvidia drivers can be added to the hardware configuration options in the manjaro settings manager, could they?

I found this item and thought it’d be worth a try. What’s your opinion, just try the aur for now?

No they will not add them, I’m pretty sure of that, Manjaro team doesn’t want to have the nightmare it was when they supported every existing drivers (at some point there was something like 6 to 10 different drivers available). They recently added 470 as a courtesy for people getting :point_right: :ok_hand: by Nvidia by the not so old card unsupported in latest driver, but I highly doubt they will add another one, until it is the one used in Arch.

Using the AUR drivers can be a pain if you don’t have experience dealing with that.

No point since 510.47.03 is released, however no announcement post has been created yet.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Testing Update] 2022-02-01 - Kernels, Pipewir 0.3.44, Qt5, Mesa 21.3.5, Wine 7.0