[Testing Update] 2021-06-08 - Kernels, Cinnamon 5.0, Gnome 40.2, Cutefish 0.2, Deepin, Firefox

The question is: should I remove them and download again when is needed?

That’s entirely up to you. If you often (re)build AUR psckages which share build dependencies you might want to leave them.

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Thank you for your help :+1:

I have a monitor plugged in to my laptop, and if I don’t touch the computer at all for a minute or so, the monitor stops getting a signal, and needs a couple seconds to get the signal back and turn on again. This makes every window go on the laptop screen, and some of them (like fullscreen games) stay stuck there.

A post was split to a new topic: Vivaldi 4.0 will not open a new window

I agree, this can be annoying. But have a check of your power management settings. It should be possible to adjust these timeouts or to disable switching off the external monitor whatsoever.

I checked my power settings, and the screen should turn off after 15min, not after 1min.
I was able to keep the screen on with caffeine, I’ll see if I still have the issue going forward or not

i once had something similar - it helped to change the power setting times to something else and back to the desired value. Worth a try i guess ^^

For me,it was just the other way round: pamac did not show an available update for mhwd-db but yay did:

:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core                               169,2 KiB  7,18 MiB/s 00:00 [----------------------------------] 100%
 extra                             1902,9 KiB  22,1 MiB/s 00:00 [----------------------------------] 100%
 community                            6,6 MiB  23,0 MiB/s 00:00 [----------------------------------] 100%
 multilib ist aktuell
 fman ist aktuell
 enlightenment ist aktuell
:: Starte vollständige Systemaktualisierung...
Löse Abhängigkeiten auf...
Suche nach in Konflikt stehenden Paketen...

Pakete (2) manjaro-system-20210612-1  mhwd-db-0.6.5-9

Gesamtgröße des Downloads:           0,05 MiB
Gesamtgröße der installierten Pakete:  0,03 MiB
Größendifferenz der Aktualisierung:  0,00 MiB

The install went through without any problems, I only noticed a lot of gpg keys being updated by the manjaro-system package. Other than that, nothing remarkable.

just had
Packages (3) systemd-248.3-3 systemd-libs-248.3-3 systemd-sysvcompat-248.3-3
pop up, updated with no issues.