[Testing Update] 2020-08-17 - KDE-git, Pamac, Nvidia 450.57, Haskell, Python

Update I have uninstalled 440 drivers but the install of 450 is stuck on starting and won’t move from that. What’s the cli for installing 450?

So like others I had to uninstall both nvidia-prime and linux-latest-nvidia-440xx (in addition to installing the video-modesetting driver) but, the 450 drivers did install.

That process was a bit more manual than I would have liked.

I eventually got everything installed. I could uninstall 440 by gui but had to use cli to install videomode settings and 450 drivers. Gui wouldn’t ask for root privileges so couldn’t install 450

Can’t install nvidia driver 450, seems that video-modesetting package is unavailable.

❯ sudo pacman -S video-modesetting
erreur : impossible de trouver la cible : video-modesetting

Nota: I did use pacman-mirrors to refresh the mirrors

Think I used

sudo mhwd -i pci video-modesetting

to install and then

sudo mhwd -i pci video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-450xx-prime

but I’m not sure if you want the prime drivers or not


Thanks, it worked. Should have tried it on my own…

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I finally got to update my system today because I had to wait the last couple of days for my new monitor to arrive. (My monitor broke last Saturday so I needed to get a new one.) The update applied smoothly, and no new problems appeared after that, but I’ve yet to try out kernel 5.8 and the Nvidia 450 driver.

Thanks for the update, Manjaro team.

as I use vbox dkms no problem , but prebuilt modules does not works as version mismatch or so…

kernel 5.8

That is interesting. For me it was exactly the opposite:

I had to remove virtualbox-host-dkms but have to use linux58-virtualbox-host-modules 6.1.12-. Strange.

Before dkms woulnd’t work while prebuilt module worked, now is opposite :stuck_out_tongue:
I compile kernel myself so it is always latest from gitlab Manjaro repo.

Update went well, however ‘nvidia-smi’ says that I am still using driver 440.xx not 450.xx
I have rebooted the computer.

The nvidia update does not happen automatically. You need to trigger it with the mhwd tool.

All good here… no problems with the update.

Maybe my question is stupid, atm I am on testing release , am I already on Manjaro Mikah 20.1 ? or I need to do something else… thx

@brtza Yes, you are at Manjaro 20.1 Mikah it’s shipped with this update

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Ah, thank you for that @mbod, I must have missed that. But because of seeing many with problems with the 450.xx driver, I guess I will wait a bit.