Telegram Icon not visible in Taskbar Notification Tray

Hello folks,
The Telegram Application Notification Icon is not visible in my System Tray. It is only visible(a grey shade) when I hover over it.

I am using Manjaro Linux KDE ,Kernel version 5.15.28-1, KDE Plasma Version 5.24.3.
Thanks in Advance :slight_smile: .

Hi @sskcyber01, and welcome!

Have you tried another icon theme? Because I just tried my Telegram in KDE and it works perfectly.

I use:

and it works just fine!

I think it’s related: Tray icon on Linux has changed from white to black · Issue #24009 · telegramdesktop/tdesktop · GitHub
I’m also experiencing this problem, and I don’t have a simple solution to it yet.

Thank you @Mirdarthos for your response, will check out the Candy Icons for sure.

Hello @Knebergish. Fingers-crossed, let us wait for the update. :crossed_fingers:


Please make sure your system is updated:
sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu

Empty the ~/.chance folder content in your home directory and reboot.

The error got corrected in the latest update :pray: :raised_hands: