= pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11/
= pacman build python-manjaro-sdk
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
= pamac build python-manjaro-sdk
Error: target not found: python-manjaro-sdk
= pamac build python-jade-application-kit
Error: target not found: python-jade-application-kit
What am I missing?
I don’t have checkrebuild.
I think your package list is out-of-date. Or maybe even your mirror-list. Try:
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack=5 && sudo pacman -Sy
…before trying to (re)build the package(s).
both packages got removed from the repos. You can uninstall them …
= yay -R python-jade-application-kit python-manjaro-sdk
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing python-jade-application-kit breaks dependency 'python-jade-application-kit>=3.0.0' required by microsoft-office-web-jak
:: removing python-manjaro-sdk breaks dependency 'python-manjaro-sdk' required by web-installer-url-handler
-> exit status 1
You also need to remove the 2 packages which require them:
yay -R microsoft-office-web-jak web-installer-url-handler python-jade-application-kit python-manjaro-sdk
Edit: returned a missing character (the “r” in “handler”) to the above command
None of the above 4 packages are in Manjaro’s repos or the AUR.
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That did it. Thanks much.
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Update more often and read Announcements topics.
We’ve had Python 3.12 since earlier this year and 3.13 is available in the testing and unstable branches.
Note that I’ve moved your post to it’s own topic as the subject is not related to the recent stable update.
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