Systemsettings mouse section empty after Plasma-6

I’ve tried this with a new user (completely empty ~/.config and ~/.local) and even as root (stupid I know, but proves a point).

In every situation, the mouse configuration section is empty. Running it from a terminal, I see:
kcm_mouse: Not able to select appropriate backend.
which suggests to me something’s missing.

Running locate kcm_mouse gives me


By contrast, locate kcm_touchpad returns:


Which seems to confirm that something’s missing. pacman -Qo tells me these files are all owned by plasma-desktop, so perhaps something got missed out when building that package?

I had the same problem but I fixed it by removing the ‘xf86-input-evdev’ package.

Thanks. Doesn’t immediately seem to work. Perhaps I need to log out and/or reboot. I’ll try that when the process I’m waiting for completes.

Yep! Needs a restart but works after that. Thanks again.

[Edit]: but breaks my custom mouse configuration in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d. Looks like I’ll have to do without the systemsettings option. Ah well…

The touchpad/mouse configuration kcm for System Settings under Plasma 6 no longer supports other pointer drivers besides libinput.
If you have packages or configurations setting some other driver (like xf86-input-synaptics) then that is why.
If you want to keep using a driver other than libinput you can, but you will need to configure it manually.


A pity, but such is life.

I’ve made multiple attempts to find out how to configure my marblemouse’s buttons with libinput so I could at least try Wayland, without success. Which is why I have to stick with my custom Xorg config and Xorg itself.