System frequently crashing after GPU drivers update


I’m using the same packages and at first it seemed to have solved the issue. Yesterday I’ve had a freeze again with the same logs in journalctl but unexpectedly it recovered instead of freezing permanently. Before the upgrade and after a freeze there was the need to restart LightDm via CRTL-ALT-F* or if I wasn’t fast enough with a reboot.

I’m using a Lenovo ThinkPad E595 with Cinnamon.

Hope it helps.

Kind regards

I have to correct myself: Sadly it happened again. So the above mentioned packages didn’t solve it for me…

I am on a Ryzen 5 3400G:

Latest stable-upgrades but a downgraded linux-firmware version (20210315.3568f96). It seems that this is the way to go


Hi @Grimmzz ! What kernel and mesa versions are you using?

The same as you:
Kernel 5.12.2-1
mesa 21.0.3-3

how can i downgrade my linux-firmware if just did fresh install?

i do get freezes randomly since last month after month…in starting force shutdown using power button was the only solution for me…but now i am using log out keyboard shortcut to log out session and login again to start new session…it works most of time but it is not a solution…i just switched my kernel to 512…idk it will work or not…i am just frustrated with this problem…we even do not know which line of code is causing problem…maybe kernel from my side…i am searching every post related to this issue …i will let you know if i find anything

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can you upload this firmware version?

Have you tried using the downgrade package? You can install it right from the AUR with a package manager like yay, and then just call downgrade <package> to try an downgrade such package’s version.

On the other hand, the Arch wiki has a guide on downgrading packages: Downgrading packages - ArchWiki

i have fresh install right now…downgrade only works when you have older packages already in the system.

PLEASE ANYONE UPLOAD linux-firmware …manajro is still freezing even on kernel 512…last option is firmware one…

You can try this one: easyupload(dot)io(slash)qanhz1
linux-firmware-20201218.r1803.646f159 I am currently using it and no crashes since

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thank you very much.

You are mistaken.

Manually downloading and installing packages from untrusted sources? Personally I would not do that.

To downgrade:

$ sudo pacman -Syu downgrade
$ sudo downgrade linux-firmware

(Be careful: this will get packages from arch - if manjaro had other/special versions it will not be able to get those)

And then choose the package version you want to use. Keep in mind though: downgrading produces a partial update and is not supported.


You have to use the --ala-only option to show other versions that are not cached.

From the downgrade tool --help text:

Downgrading from A.L.A. is disabled on the stable branch. To override this behavior, set DOWNGRADE_FROM_ALA to 1 .
See  for more details.
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Pearl of wisdom!
Therefore: kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git - Repository of firmware blobs for use with the Linux kernel

To replace firmware-files you just need to replace the files in /usr/lib/firmware (subfolder amdgpu in this case) and don’t forget to update the initramfs.

Last stable one for Vega (also concerns APUs like RavenRidge) was AFAIK 20.45, while RNDA2 was unstable before that version (at least as I heard).
So if it is still freezing, you have to try an older version. And it’s definely the firmware causing the freezes, stop wasting your time trying kernels or grub-parameters. A lot of people suffering from this.


Downgrading linux-firmware to 20201218.646f159-1 have resolved it for me too.

thanks for idea…now i will just replace amdgpu files in /usr/lib/firmware and sudo update-initramfs…my system is working fine after replacing firmware files…not a single crash till now.

one more question----
Will devs resolve this firmware issue in upcoming updates or i will have to use older firmware always?

Only amd’s devs will know that. But: AMD put a lot of time into amdgpu and for example the firmware for my RavenRidge was improving over the last 2 years (slow but sure).
If you looked into the bugtracker that freezing-bugs happen to a lot of users and that makes a fix more likely.

But until they put out fixed firmware: Every update of the package “linux-firmware” brings back the buggy files.