Switch file open dialog to grid view?

Is there any way to switch the file open dialog to grid view? It would be handy when trying to select images.

Welcome to the Forum!

This feature has been requested a long time ago, but hasn’t been implemented in Gtk yet (not sure if/when it will).

The good news is that there is a patched version of Gtk3 in the AUR that has this feature. The package is called gtk3-patched-filechooser-icon-view.
The GitHub repository can be found here:

Give it a try to see if it fits your needs.

There is also a patched version of Gtk2 with this feature in the AUR - package gtk2-patched-filechooser-icon-view - in case you need it for Gtk2 based applications.

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Thanks for the reply! Too bad this isn’t available by default, I switched my last Windows system to Manjaro and my wife is missing all pics being thumbnailed in the file chooser like in Windows Explorer.

Also, thanks for the links, I’ll see if they’ll suit her needs

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