Where do I find the latest stable and testing releases of the Sway profile?
downloading, thanks.
anyone familiar with CJK/sway/wayland input method?
refer to ArchWiki fcitx or ibus, with no luck.
pi4, wifi not work.
Could you please check if this helps: No Wi-Fi device found -- Sway on Raspberry Pi 400 - #3 by appelgriebsch
Pi 400 is a different animal. There was an issue last week with the linux-firmware package upgrade with the pi4 wifi. I repackaged the upstream linux-firmware package and put it in the repo as an overlay. A system upgrade with -Syu should install the new one if you have not done it.
no wlan0 bring up.
Don’t get it…
ifconfig, can not found wlan0.
Seems this issue has been discussed at length here (New Raspberry Pi Kernels & Related Packages - #359 by Rip2) and is not specific to the Sway profile…
no, that was 10 days ago.
and now related packages are patched & updated, kernel firmware… .etc.
but your sway build-img wifi not work.
Post the output of systemctl --type=service
0222.img wifi work.
Based on the work of @Strit and the whole Manjaro team for automatic image builds on GitHub I was able to create a build repo for the Sway profile (GitHub - manjaro-arm-community/sway-images).
It offers pre-release builds on the testing branch on irregular basis (usually when some improvements have been incorporated into the Sway profile), as well as stable releases on a bi-monthly release cycle in accordance to the ManjaroARM stable release announcements here.
Builds are created for Raspberry Pi 4+, Pinebook Pro and the original Pinebook.
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