Suspend/sleep doesn't work

Sorry for delayed response. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try systemd boot? If it works, please let us know.

NB: I have not looked in to that, might have a play around in a VM to familiarize myself.

I just found out that the problem with existing out of suspension is a known problem of my laptop model. The fix is applied to Tuxedo OS kernel, hence it works well there. This was reported upstream, but it was rejected by AMD, so it’s still in progress of figuring out how to fix it differently.

So there is no point of digging further. I have to wait till it’s fully resolved. Alternatively I could compile kernel with it, but that’s too complicated and problematic for me. Given the fact that kernel and its modules are needed every few updates, often with every update, I can’t imagine compiling kernels all the time.

Maybe Manjaro would be willing to include the fix in Manjaro kernels? It’s a long stretch, but in theory possible. @philm, what do you think? I could get you in touch with someone in Tuxedo. This would make Manjaro a friendly platform for the newest AMD laptop. Of course, this is a temporary fix, but still, a needed one, because suspend is working only on Tuxedo OS, which is absurd. Linux dedicated laptop that works completely on one distro?

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