Ok, I just installed the Manjaro GNOME and very disappointed/confused on how to do these two commands. I’m very disappointed that I can’t do this! Help
and apt-get
are commands for the Debian and Ubuntu family of Linux distros.
is the basic package manager used in Arch
For an easy translation table see the rosetta wiki:
Manjaro also has its own gui and terminal package manager - pamac.
To see all about how to handle software in Manjaro:
First things first - when doing a quick test of a Debian desktop some time ago, during the first few minutes I found Apt on Steroids » Linux Magazine (Nala) and got it installed for a much better experience.
We use pacman (for Arch repositories) and pamac is the main package manager (pamac-manager is the GUI you get from running ‘add/remove software’ you can find this and also use it to update/upgrade via ‘software’ in the main menu).
To work out how to use stuff, you can try man pacman
and man pamac
- tldr
man pacman
sudo pacman -S tldr
tldr pacman
man pamac
pamac --help
tldr pamac
So if we want Musicbrainz software, we could then try pamac search picard
and get an idea how to proceed:
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