Strange number of messages "Proxy Daemon started" - Pacrunner

Recently (after some update) I am getting several messages during startup similar to :

Proxy Daemon Started 
Proxy Daemon Stopped

Calling “journalctl -b” I noticed :

08:52:40 manjaro dbus-daemon[673]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.pacrunner' unit='pacrunner.service' requested by ':1.4' (uid=0 pid=792 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon")
08:52:40 manjaro dbus-daemon[673]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.pacrunner'
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[972]: PAC Runner version 0.19
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[972]: Terminating
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[972]: Exit
08:52:40 manjaro systemd[1]: pacrunner.service: Deactivated successfully.
08:52:40 manjaro dbus-daemon[673]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.pacrunner' unit='pacrunner.service' requested by ':1.4' (uid=0 pid=792 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon")
08:52:40 manjaro dbus-daemon[673]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.pacrunner'
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[1013]: PAC Runner version 0.19
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[1013]: Terminating
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[1013]: Exit
08:52:40 manjaro systemd[1]: pacrunner.service: Deactivated successfully.
08:52:40 manjaro dbus-daemon[673]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.pacrunner' unit='pacrunner.service' requested by ':1.4' (uid=0 pid=792 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon")
08:52:40 manjaro dbus-daemon[673]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.pacrunner'
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[1032]: PAC Runner version 0.19
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[1032]: Terminating
08:52:40 manjaro pacrunner[1032]: Exit
08:52:40 manjaro systemd[1]: pacrunner.service: Deactivated successfully.

The amount of those entries is variable , each time I make a reboot.
Sometimes it becomes a single entry though …

Any ideas what is happening ?

Well … pacrunner is not default.

It must have been added.

Are you saying you intend to use it but it is not functioning as expected?

I do not remember which program calls pacrunner
Or how it was installed … :frowning:

How can I get a list of programs that is calling such service ?
Can I call pacman to find it reverse dependencies ?

A general search of installed;

pacman -Qs pacrunner

More information (including ‘required by’ etc) of an installed package;

pacman -Qi pacrunner

Other tools and approaches exist, such as to see everything relying on package pacrunner;

pactree -r pacrunner

As a non-critical program it should be safe to remove.

A removal, along with its dependencies that are not required by other packages would be;

sudo pacman -Rns pacrunner

The odd part is calling :
pacman -Qi pacrunner

Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package

Although pactree -r pacrunner


I can try to remove it …
But I feel that I might loose network afterwards …

So thats why.

Do you need connman?

Your confusion makes it seem as if you dont need any of these things.

Most systems … and Manjaro systems … by default use NetworkManager.

I am going to remove “manjaro-connman” ;

Although this machine has bluetooth and Wifi connections …
but most of the time they are not needed …

Sometimes I make some experiments with USB bluetooth dongles …

It’s just a meta-package:

$ pacman -Sii manjaro-connman
Description     : Manjaro meta package for complete ConnMan support
Required By     : None
Depends On      : avahi  connman  dnsmasq  nss-mdns  openconnect  resolvconf  openssh  openvpn  ntp  pacrunner  pptpclient  rp-pppoe  wpa_supplicant

So how do I activate NetworkManager as my default network manager ?

In this case how do I swap from connman to networkmanager without breaking the “network” ?

It should already be. But if you wish to confirm, please provide the output for:

systemctl status NetworkManager.service

As requested the NetworkManager.service output is :

NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-04-20 08:52:40 WEST; 1h 51min ago
       Docs: man:NetworkManager(8)
   Main PID: 792 (NetworkManager)
      Tasks: 4 (limit: 37790)
     Memory: 22.6M (peak: 23.6M)
        CPU: 351ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/NetworkManager.service
             └─792 /usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon

Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4525] device (eno1): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4528] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4531] device (eno1): Activation: successful, device activated.
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4536] manager: startup complete
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4681] dhcp6 (eno1): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4685] policy: set 'Intel interface' (eno1) as default for IPv6 routing and DNS
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.4755] dhcp6 (eno1): state changed new lease
Apr 20 08:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713599568.6326] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL
Apr 20 09:01:58 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713600118.6699] agent-manager: agent[eb7841f1ce30d5e5,:1.74/org.freedesktop.nm-applet/1000]: agent registered
Apr 20 09:52:48 manjaro NetworkManager[792]: <info>  [1713603168.2584] dhcp4 (eno1): state changed new lease, address=

It seems that is the same PID ( 792) as the journalctl pacrunner lines …

Well, if you are :100: sure you don’t use it, I think it can be removed. And since manjaro-connman doesn’t have any Dependencies and doesn’t provide any functionality in and of itself, and I don’t have either installed, I think they are safe to be removed:

pamac remove pacrunner manjaro-connman

However, there’s no way for me to be absolutely certain, so if something breaks, reinstall said packages:

pamac install pacrunner manjaro-connman

Apparently the removal of pacrunner and manjaro-connman packages, solved my strange startup messages …

Although I have to ask :
if I need to enable “manjaro-connman”, should I manually disable the NetworkManager.service ?

I can honestly not say. But I don’t think so, seeing as manjaro-connman doesn’t do anything itself. But I don’t know if the packages it pulls in have any conflicts with NetworkManager.


connman in Manjaro extra repository does not require pacrunner

If you install connman Network Manager should be disabled

ConnMan - ArchWiki
Before enabling connman.service, ensure any existing network configuration is disabled.

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