SteamCMD, 32bit architecture and lib32stdc++6

Hi so I am trying to run a dedicated server for a game… Where I have a problem is step 3 and 4. On debian based distro’s to accomplish this I need to install multiverse repo and add 32 bit architecture… then only can I install the package. Anyone know what the package is called on manjaro? or if i can even install it (lib32stdc++6). Also if it helps anything step 4 is ( +login anonymous +force_install_dir server +app_update 416880 validate +quit
) Thank you in advance :smiley:

Which steps, which package, which game?

$ LANG=C pamac search --files lib32/
/usr/lib32/ is owned by lib32-gcc-libs
/usr/lib32/ is owned by lib32-gcc-libs
pamac install lib32-gcc-libs

Also what @mithrial says…

So the steps are

  1. Create a server folder where you want and enter into it:

mkdir SteamCMD
cd SteamCMD

  1. Download SteamCMD (link above) and extract it. then, remove the tag.gz.

wget steamcdn-a.akamaihd/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz(removed link parts)
tar -xf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
rm -f steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

  1. Install basic support lib support for your SteamCMD:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

  1. At SteamCMD’s folder, type the following command to DOWNLOAD/UPDATE Ballistic Overkill dedicated server: +login anonymous +force_install_dir server +app_update 416880 validate +quit

The game: Ballistic Overkill

The package: lib32stdc++6

without this package it just tells me cannot find command

zsh: command not found:

It doesn’t show any additional information as to why

To run it you need:

cd steamcmd_linux/
./ <parameters>

Anyway… on Manjaro I would do this:

pamac build steamcmd
steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir server +app_update 416880 validate +quit
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Thanks a bunch! One last question. Where does this install to like the folder where I would find the server files

In your steam folder… normally ~/.local/share/Steam/

Nefarious, check the steamcmd parameters, there are many to do many things, here is a sample script for example.

@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 //set to 0 if updating multiple servers at once
@NoPromptForPassword 1 // set to 0 it will prompt for password
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows // to force a platform type, here it is windows
set_download_throttle 5000 // to limit the bandwidth in Kb/S
force_install_dir ./DOWNLOADS/PS/ // to set the installation folder, to be set before starting any download
login anonymous // some game servers need to login with an account owning the licence of what you install
app_update 746200 validate // set the App ID and also force verification of files

I have this in a text file and you simply run it like this ./ +runscript thisfile.txt

You can also interactively put commands in steamcdm.

There is absolutely no need to do that, download steamcmd to any folder you own, execute it from there. I don’t know why the user would not have this quite standard library, I get that the AUR package would install all it needs so there’s that, but I use it quite often and I’m surprised of all these problems he got. This package is part of the ROOT packages (I guess for ALL ISO?).

Hey @omano,
if you know a better way then go for it and spread it. I literally never use steamcmd and just run it as a normal user would.

Cheers :beers:

What I meant is that I never heard about anyone in the game server “industry”, who installs steamcmd as a system package. Every single server Admin or host I had relation with use the tool most likely how I showed above or simply executing and working in it from there.
I’m not sure it is better or not, it is just that I never heard about doing that like that.


My mistake, the lib32-gcc-libs is not part of the shared ROOT packages, it is the non 32 bits one which is included.

However, I think Steam is shipped with all Manjaro ISO, and the lib32-gcc-libs package is a dependency, so in theory, all Manjaro ISO still should have this required, very common, library. Only the MINIMAL ISO may not have it.
Besides Steam there are many packages or libraries requiring it so I guess it would be difficult on a Manjaro normal ISO to avoid having it (and if you go with a MINIMAL ISO, I assume installing things, finding packages, reading basic documentation, and so on, is not unknown to you).

So, how did you end up without that library?

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