Steam Proton "launches" game but nothing shows up on the screen

Yes i have set it.

and it works ?

no it doesn’t

I just checked steam play and it unchecked proton compatibilty, i renabled it and than it disabled it again.

What Steam Version ?
You must use steam-manjaro

Yes I do use steam-manjaro

and Bibliothek - right click on your Game - Settings - compatible

If you can’t follow Proton’s guide, you better not use NTFS partition for your Proton games. Use EXT4 partition.

I dual boot with windows and i use that drive on windows too so doing that is not an option

I don’t think you read and followed Proton’s instruction properly.

I followed it properly and it still doesn’t work. I’ll try it again later and post if it worked.

Nope still doesn’t work, I did it perfectly (and made the exact same folder they did):

UUID=7F46C9D5734A659E /media/gamedisk ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1001,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 0

ntfs-3g is installed before you ask