Steam proton games not starting

Non native games won’t start at all, they’re just stuck at “preparing game to launch…” and not doing anything at all, since this can go over an hour. I tried multiple versions of proton, including Glorious Eggroll without a success and tried both steam versions in the repos, again with no luck. This wasn’t a problem when i had a fresh install and games ran just fine, but on integrated GPU that is, so frames weren’t the best. Then I installed bumblebee so I can run these games on the dedicated GPU, but then all of the sudden proton just won’t start at all. Native games work just fine with or without bumblebee.

This is a note from proton-ge-custom, but it may apply regardless of which Proton you use:

NOTE: Due to the symlink updates for steam cloud saves, you will want to remove your old game prefixes so that they are properly regenerated with new symlinks. Your games may not launch otherwise:

Proton Game and Prefix Launch troubleshooting:

From : Release Proton-6.15-GE-1 released · GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom · GitHub

Thanks, but no luck with that. But i did a little more digging and found that steam always hangs on “installing breakpad exception handler…”