Steam need to be online to update

i get this error message upon launching steam:

Fatal Error: Steam needs to be online to update. PLease confirm your network connection and try again.

Here’s what i have already tried:
Reinstalling steam
Setting hosts for media . steampowered . com and the like
Install via flatpak, steam-manjaro and installing linux-steam-integration
Changing system language and timezone.

no luck so far. this is my steam log:

Running Steam on manjarolinux 20.2.1 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Pins up-to-date!
Can't find 'steam-runtime-check-requirements', continuing anyway
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Startup - updater built Oct 28 2020 23:34:22
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/ian/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Failed to load cached hosts file (File 'update_hosts_cached.vdf' not found), using defaults
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] 1., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 100, source = 'baked in'
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] 2., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Verifying installation...
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Unable to read and verify install manifest /home/ian/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12.installed
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Verification complete
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Downloading Update...
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Checking for available update...
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Downloading manifest:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing {   (current key: '<html><head><meta') in file manifest [offset: 28]

/data/src/tier1/KeyValues.cpp (2999) : Assertion Failed: Error while parsing text KeyValues for resource manifest
/data/src/tier1/KeyValues.cpp (2999) : Assertion Failed: Error while parsing text KeyValues for resource manifest
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)
crash_20210116211648_7.dmp[22811]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] failed to load manifest from buffer.
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Failed to load manifest
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Error: Download failed: http error 200
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Saving metrics to disk (/home/ian/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2021-01-16 21:16:48] Error: Steam needs to be online to update.         Please confirm your network connection and try again.
[2021-01-16 21:16:53] Shutdown
/data/src/tier0/threadtools.cpp (3658) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x5736b180/0x0xe50f3a'
/data/src/tier0/threadtools.cpp (3658) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x5736b180/0x0xe50f3a'
[ian@ian-pc ~]$ crash_20210116211648_7.dmp[22811]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
crash_20210116211648_7.dmp[22811]: response: CrashID=bp-70db31df-4a47-4cb1-96e5-4c0a62210116
crash_20210116211648_7.dmp[22811]: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20210116211648_7.dmp'', upload yes: ''CrashID=bp-70db31df-4a47-4cb1-96e5-4c0a62210116'' 

any help would be appreciated.

it appears to be working fine now after disabling IPV6 & changing my DNS server (used google’s DNS).

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