[Stable Update] 2024-11-30 - Kernels, Plasma, GNOME, COSMIC, LXQT, SYSTEMD

After upgrading (in tty) and reboot and everything loaded, that icon telling you about whether there are updates available was missing and a notification telling me the following:

Launching Add/Remove Software (Failed)
Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply
timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

Rebooting again and the icon showed up (bright red). Trying to upgrade some AUR thing that was left behind: python-pyrsistent. Not sure what I installed to drag that in, but it complained about some missing setuptools.build_meta, investigating that I had to upgrade jaraco.functools and wheel, and now everything seems to be in order.

If I remember to check this after work tomorrow (testing our GIS systems after weekend system maintenance), I might try and find out if it’s anything worth keeping or if I can throw it out. I recall I installed some Solitaire and a Mahjong game a while ago, might be one of those. It’s already after midnight here, I need to go to sleep. Time flies when you’re having fun. 8)

I managed to disable aur support for pamac, update and turn it on.

And it’s working again.

Well, I know that the Nvidia 550 driver series should support the 6.12 kernel series. However 470xx and 390xx are not. We tried to patch those drivers as needed. However, it seems we failed on that one. So users who have issues and booting to a black screen may need to speak up and state the exact used driver versions they have and report it here: Patch for 565.57.01 + Linux kernel 6.12 - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Note: don’t expect any updates to 390xx by Nvidia. That driver got stopped to be supported by end of 2022: Unix graphics feature deprecation schedule - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums
We only managed to keep it alive with kernel patches.

I will check now if the following patch might help. I also may enable nvidia-drm.modeset=1 by default, as that is now needed.


The update went smoothly, but I’ve starting having tabs die in Firefox. I get the message " Gah. Your tab just crashed."

I captured a core dump and my system details here.

1st update: So, I’ve been monitoring the journal as I use Firefox, and I continue to see core dumps like the one I included in my first link. Generally, Firefox continues to run and except in the case where a tab dies, you wouldn’t even know there is an issue unless you are looking at the journal logs. This is definitely something that was not happening prior to this latest update.

Dear @Photon,

I wish I could thank you enough! You have no idea how many hours I’ve spent today trying to solve that problem. I was in the middle (or ending) of the update process (within a terminal window of my XFCE) when my machine just rebooted and started a infinity loop process during the boot.

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled TLP, LightDM and a few kernels
 and nothing changed. I was already considering nuking my installation and starting over again.

When I saw your tip about the “-/_” switch I doubted that it could be that simple
 and it was! I just renamed the file to " libpixbufloader-svg.so" and rebooted. For my surprise everything was back to normal. Amazing!!!

Stupid and apparently insignificant mistake in the file name that will cause a lot of headache for a bunch of people.

So, thank you very much indeed!!!


I have now patched the Nvidia legacy drivers and uploaded to all branches. Those who had issues should retest if it works now.

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra x86_64

                             PACKAGE           2024-11-30           2024-12-01
               linux612-nvidia-390xx            390.157-8            390.157-9
               linux612-nvidia-470xx         470.256.02-8         470.256.02-9
                   mhwd-nvidia-390xx           390.157-16           390.157-17
                   mhwd-nvidia-470xx         470.256.02-7         470.256.02-8
                   nvidia-390xx-dkms           390.157-16           390.157-17
                  nvidia-390xx-utils           390.157-16           390.157-17
                   nvidia-470xx-dkms         470.256.02-7         470.256.02-8
                  nvidia-470xx-utils         470.256.02-7         470.256.02-8
                 opencl-nvidia-390xx           390.157-16           390.157-17
                 opencl-nvidia-470xx         470.256.02-7         470.256.02-8
1 Like

Please issue pamac upgrade --aur --force-refresh --dry-run to fix your problem @skatkov


I agree there are some apps that are better in dark mode.

It’s not the setting that’s the issue. It doesn’t matter what it’s set to, Firefox starts in dark mode. It’s only when I toggle the setting (to either ‘let app decide’ or ‘prefer light mode’) after it’s started that Firefox shows in light mode. This is also true of some Qt apps (Sigil, Calibre), but not all (not Flacon, Kasts, Zoom).

Before I had the same theme configured in Kvantum and this wasn’t an issue. I suppose I should take this to Cinnamon, but I thought it’d be good to know if other people were having this problem here.

still crashes

Are you sure? Did you restart your PC?

I built new ISOs so people can test this update from a fresh starting point. I also want to know if the provided Nvidia drivers work on 6.12 kernel. However, there are also builds with 6.11 kernel.

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rebooted. did not work
ran the command again. reboot. still not working
the command shows 2 AUR packages
pulseaudio-ctl 1.70-2 (1.70-1) AUR
v86d 0.1.10-13 (0.1.10-8) AUR

btw the pamac GUI crashed during the update, but it still worked in backround. i waited til i could use the update command in terminal (it was blocked by pamac) and rebooted. if this helps in any way

Post the exact error when you try to update from CLI via pamac: pamac update -a

Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
ÜberprĂŒfe v86d AbhĂ€ngigkeiten...
ÜberprĂŒfe pulseaudio-ctl AbhĂ€ngigkeiten...
AbhÀngigkeiten werden aufgelöst...
Interne Konflikte werden ĂŒberprĂŒft...

Wird installiert (11):
  m4              1.4.19-3   (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  251,9 KB
  autoconf        2.72-1     (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  666,1 KB
  automake        1.17-1     (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  641,7 KB
  bison           3.8.2-8    (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  784,7 KB
  debugedit       5.1-1      (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  44,6 KB
  fakeroot        1.36-1     (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  78,2 KB
  flex            2.6.4-5    (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  314,9 KB
  make            4.4.1-2    (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  536,4 KB
  patch           2.7.6-10   (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  95,2 KB
  pkgconf         2.1.1-1    (Benötigt von: base-devel)  core  61,9 KB
  base-devel      1-3                                    core  22,3 KB
Zu erstellen (2):
  pulseaudio-ctl  1.70-2     (1.70-1)                    AUR
  v86d            0.1.10-13  (0.1.10-8)                  AUR

Download-GrĂ¶ĂŸe gesamt: 3,5 MB
GesamtgrĂ¶ĂŸe installiert: 10,5 MB

Build-Dateien bearbeiten : [e] 
Transaktion durchfĂŒhren ? [e/j/N] 

v86d you can uninstall. The other AUR package you have to check if you still need it. Also define your crash. Crash of the GUI or something else.

1 Like

i started it with terminal

pamac-manager                                                                                                                                                          î‚Č 1 ✘ î‚Č 13s  

(pamac-manager:34395): Adwaita-WARNING **: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  pamac-manager

ok. so a theme problem?
why is this gnome? i am using KDE

You might find that replacing pamac-gtk with pamac-gtk3 works better. GTK3 apps work well with Plasma; GTK4 apps, which are dependent on Adwaita, don’t work so well.

By default, the packages downloaded during an update are stored in /var/cache/pacman/pkg, and normally, the last three generations of the packages will be kept there — older packages will be deleted. You can make more room by deleting the cache entirely. :point_down:

sudo paccache -rvk0

The above command is verbose, and it will tell you how much space has been freed up.


I spent most of the day figuring this out, as well. Didn’t have such an adventure with a Linux machine for 15 years, if I’d have to guess!

I’d advise to revert the renaming and just update the cache, otherwise this renamed file won’t get updated by future librsvg updates.

sudo ln -s libpixbufloader_svg.so  /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-svg.so

could be a fix that changes as little as possible to avoid future clashes with updates.