[Stable Update] 2024-11-30 - Kernels, Plasma, GNOME, COSMIC, LXQT, SYSTEMD


Here is a report on my upgrade.
I faced two issues, one resolved, one not resolved.

1) Resolved issue with ovmf

This update broke my virtualization setup.

The error I got is:
libvirtd[1819]: Path '/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd' is not accessible: No such file or directory

It turns out the issue was from this package update:
[2024-11-30T08:54:29+0100] [ALPM] upgraded edk2-ovmf (202311-1 -> 202408.01-1)

Several of my vms referenced the path above, and the file had been deleted by the update. Another similar file was at the following location:

ll /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.4m.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5M Nov 10 21:16 /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.4m.fd

So I copied the file over to the previous location and it allowed me to start my VMs:

sudo cp /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.4m.fd /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd

I also had to run efibootmgr withtin my vms, as the boot options where deleted by the above process, so YMMV


2) Unresolved issue with zfs, used workaround

Other than that, I wanted to try out linux612.
Unfortunately, my whole system is ZFS based and the package linux612-zfs is not present in the repository.

 pamac search linux6 | grep zfs
linux66-zfs  2.2.6-15                                                      extra
linux61-zfs  2.2.6-12 [Installed]                                          extra
linux611-zfs  2.2.6-23 [Installed]

Therefore, I am using linux611, as a workaround.

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One minor issue - the aide (help in english) menu item icon in the KDE menu appears in colour, but all the remaining menu item icons appear in monochrome - see red rectangle in screenshot.


How can I get the menu item icons to all have the same appearance (i.e. all icons in colour, or all icons in monochrome) ? Thanks.

I would prefer all monochrome, but happy with all colour too.

Just updated and switched to 6.12 from 6.6 ( fingers crossed ), no problem so far, I’m just impressed by the new brightness option that lets you change it on all screens ( that’s the most notable change that I’ve seen up till now ), will post if there’s anything else.

Thank you

Yes, upstream is still working on supporting v6.12: zfs-2.2.7 patchset by tonyhutter · Pull Request #16720 · openzfs/zfs · GitHub

But I’ve read another opinion about it on this forum. Ok, thanks, I’ll try this

What the heck is this?

[kaylee ~]$ LANG=C pamac upgrade
Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
conflicting dependencies:
- x!ïżœ9t and a
             ïżœïżœCh0FïżœNq are in conflict

The output of pamac list looks totally unsuspicious.

This should resolve the conflict:


Thanks a lot. It was exactly the same conflict.
tlp-1.7.0-1 and power-profiles-daemon-0.23-2 are in conflict



The same happened to me. Pamac closes but didn’t stop working. After pacman disappeared I tried to run it again and it told me “Waiting
 there is another package manager in the background”.

Finally I ran systemctl isolate multi-user.target to be out of the Desktop Environment, then sudo pacman -Syu and applied the update with no problem, but had to run again pamac to update “v86d” package from AUR.

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Nice update so far.

I marked “all right”, because the only problem I have is a third-party app — basically, GlobalProtect VPN stopped working. I blame them for not giving a well self-contained app (like a flatpack or similar). Anyway, is somebody can help, please tell ;-).

You can safely remove v86d. It is not needed at all.


It seems to be an AUR package:

$ pamac search GlobalProtect
globalprotect-bin                                                                                                                                                                             AUR
GlobalProtect VPN client Agent

And you should rebuild all AUR packages after an update anyway, so try exactly that:

pamac build globalprotect-bin

It might not work, seeing as it’s a *-bin, but I think it’s worth a shot.


There’s also a package in the Extra repo:

pamac search globalprotect --no-aur                                                                                                        î‚Č ✔ 
globalprotect-openconnect  1.4.9-2                                                                                                                    extra
    A GlobalProtect VPN GUI client based on Openconnect and built with Qt5, supports SAML auth mode

As I’m on Testing branch, I double-checked my local mirror’s Stable folder just to make sure that it is available for Stable branch users. It is: https://mirror.2degrees.nz/manjaro/stable/extra/x86_64/globalprotect-openconnect-1.4.9-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

AbhĂ€ngigkeiten werden aufgelöst 

Warnung: Kann “ppp=2.5.1” nicht auflösen (eine AbhĂ€ngigkeit von “networkmanager-l2tp”)
Warnung: Kann “ppp=2.5.1” nicht auflösen (eine AbhĂ€ngigkeit von “networkmanager-pptp”)
:: Die folgenden Pakete können aufgrund nicht auflösbarer AbhÀngigkeiten nicht aktualisiert werden:
networkmanager-l2tp networkmanager-pptp

:: Möchten Sie die oben genannten Pakete bei dieser Aktualisierung ĂŒberspringen? [j/N]
Fehler: Vorgang konnte nicht vorbereitet werden (Kann AbhĂ€ngigkeiten nicht erfĂŒllen)
:: UnerfĂŒllbare AbhĂ€ngigkeit »ppp=2.5.1«, benötigt von networkmanager-l2tp
:: UnerfĂŒllbare AbhĂ€ngigkeit »ppp=2.5.1«, benötigt von networkmanager-pptp

Can confirm it was an outdated mirror.
Updated mirror-list with sudo pacman-mirrors -f 10 and reran update with sudo pacman -Syyuu. Went through without issues afterwards.

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I didn’t mention/use that one, specifically because it’s not the normal/standard GolobalProtect one

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While everything is running fine after the updates on kernel 6.11, booting with 6.12 does not work for me, the boot process gets stuck at some point.

So far I was not able to find some clear error as an indicator. The only eye peeking difference in the boot logs is, that sddm[599]: Display server starting is the last log line written for sddm. Checking its latest output for a failed boot, those lines show up:

sddm[608]: Session started true
sddm[608]: Authentication error: SDDM::Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL "Process crashed"
sddm[608]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-67e4819c-0f77-47b6-900d-0bed2c214616 --id 1 --start /usr/bin/startplasma-x11 --user neoxpert) crashed (exit code 1)
sddm[608]: Authentication error: SDDM::Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL "Process crashed"
sddm[608]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 1
systemd[1]: Stopping Simple Desktop Display Manager...

Any idead where to go on looking for more logs?

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The renewed Remmina 1.4.36 solved various connectivity issues with MS RDP Servers respectively RDP Gateways. :slightly_smiling_face:
Generally at this occasion: thanks to all devs for the work!


pamac did hang on building v86d from Aur. Killed pamac (‘kill -TERM 
’), removed v86d and performed a ‘sudo pacman -Syyu’. After that, rebooted and everything seems to be fine.

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@scotty65 No, the AUR does not work — and it’s at 6.0, which was buggy, I have to use 6.1.

and the openconnect version is unable to use the kind of connection my University uses, with a previous exchange of certificates for every connection

I use the official GlobalProtect binaries that they distribute (under a paywall, but my University is paying, so I can access it). The problem is that they support only Ubuntu and RedHat, so I have to do dirty tricks
 For example, they use Qt-webkit version 5, which I had to compile with an AUR, and similar things.

Probably, it broke because of some Qt component update and it’s not compatible

I am thinking that I should try to build an AppImage on my job’s Ubuntu workstation and see if it works here.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your interest. If I manage to make it work again, I’ll post how.

Should this topic be split in another thread? I do not know if I can do it and if yes, how to do it

BTW, the newer globalprotect-openconnect has a pay-for license, but still does not work:


This is the certificate that the new protocol agree automatically on with every connection,

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I’ve just had to kill the pamac process (/usr/bin/pamac-manager --gapplication-service) and restart the add/remove applications and install the x86d again.