[Stable Update] 2024-11-30 - Kernels, Plasma, GNOME, COSMIC, LXQT, SYSTEMD

When I boot into my laptop after upgrading, I am booting into a black screen on Plasma. I have an old Nvidia 965M in this laptop. I already have the kernel parameters set.

When I run plasmashell --replace, I am seeing the following.

KPackageStructure of KPluginMetaData(pluginId:"org.kde.plasma.simplemenu", fileName: "/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.simplemenu/metadata.json") does not match requested format "Plasma/Applet"
kf.plasma.quick: Applet preload policy set to 1
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:178:25: QML FolderViewDropArea (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property "minimumWidth":
Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:50:9: QML KSortFilterProxyModel: Binding loop detected for property "sourceModel"
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:50:9: QML KSortFilterProxyModel: Binding loop detected for property "sourceModel"
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.cups.cupsd.Notifier" to PrinterFinishingsChanged(QString, QString, QString, uint, QString, bool) : 
applications:com.discordapp.Discord.desktop: Progress value -100 is out of bounds!
LaunchProcess: failed to execvp:
LaunchProcess: failed to execvp:
[2787:2787:1203/161719.326285:FATAL:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(201)] Check failed: . : No such file or directory (2)
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

I was running kernel 6.6 and I tried going to 6.12, but no change in behavior. Error occurs in both.

Is this maybe just a cache issue? Should I try reinstalling anything?