[Stable Update] 2024-07-29 - Kernels, Virtualbox, Wine, KDE Frameworks

Thanks, though I didn’t notice I had the issue you pointed. Until I checked thoroughly and came across a forum post from archlinux (that I can’t link). It was specifically the


for me, for some reason it was installed from AUR

sudo pacman -Syu kwidgetaddons

saved it just as you also suggested.

“Foreign” packages can be listed with

pacman -Qm

It’s not installed?

You probably didn’t properly uninstall it. You’ll have to manually remove the leftovers. :point_down:

sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/modules/6.7.12-1-MANJARO
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I had the same problem, but only 2 packages. Your info helped. Thank you.

Good update! Finally fixed plasma 6 desktop icons from disappearing (until re-logging, and even then their position was reset.) after editing them :rofl:

“non-issue”-issue… it works, but, kernel 6.10.0 still lacks lz4 compression for zswap:

[K aug    7 09:59:29 2024] zswap: compressor lz4 not available, using default zstd
[K aug    7 09:59:29 2024] zswap: loaded using pool zstd/z3fold
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