[Stable Update] 2024-05-29 - Kernels, Plasma 6.0.5, GNOME 46.2, Mesa

Thank you everyone.

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I hope someone can help me. The previous updates including the big plasma-6 update went completely fine without any issues. I especially set every theme and style settings to default and didn’t change it since. From all the removed widget I only added the network meter widget to my task bar again. Apart from that no settings have been changed since the last update.
And so it came to me as a big surprise, that after this update, the plasmashell does not work anymore.

I can successfully login and the desktop loads (taskbar, desktop icons) and even first notifications appear (firewall up and nextcloud client notification), but then everything instantly freezes. I cannot click anything on the desktop, not the desktop icons, nor anything in the taskbar. Also the notifications do not disappear or can be closed.
The only thing working is yakuake, so I was at least able to do stuff in my user session.

From the terminal I could at least identify in top that the process plasmashell is consuming 100% CPU (although my CPU fans don’t ramp up and from the noise level it feels like my computer is rather idling).

Searching for the root cause, I stumbled across a lot of messages for different services in the journal, which I was then able to fix:
LC_ALL cannot be set to default locale: No such file or directory

It turned out that during the update my locales where changed in the ~/.config/plasma-localerc from de_DE.UTF-8 to en_DE.UTF-8. I entered the correct locale values again, rebooted and the locale error messages disappeared, but the plasmashell was still hanging.
I searched for root causes for three more hours (got to bed at 2:30 :frowning: ) and it seems to be related to the dbus, that it cannot be found or services cannot attach to it, or that plasma “services” (? not real systemd services) like at-spi-… (something for accessibility) could not be found, but I couldn’t figure out how to solve that.

I only have a photo which I took with my mobile phone (luckily) which I think shows the most important error messages when I tried to manually load another plasmashell session:

Here in written text the two messages, which I believe are most relevant:

Couldn't start kglobalaccel from org.kde.kglobalaccel.service: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kglobalaccel was not provided by any .service file)
kde.plasmashell: Aborting shell load: The activity manager daemon (kactivitymanagerd) is not running.
kde.plasmashell: If this Plasma has been installed into a custom prefix, verify that its D-Bus service dir is known to the system for the daemon to be activatable.

I re-installed the packages kglobalaccel and kactivitymanagerd, but even after another reboot, still the same problem.

In the past when Manjaro switched to dbus-broker it already broke my installation and I had to revert back to dbus-daemon and stick with it. The problems with dbus lead me to re-install the dbus package and then I also installed the dbus-broker-units package (which also removed the dbus-daemon-units package) thinking it is maybe mandatory now and it now maybe works with dbus-broker.

But that bricked my system completely and currently not even SDDM loads anymore.
So I need to roll back a backup later today. But I fear that the next update attempt will result in the same problem, so I wanted to ask if somebody understands what happened here and how I can avoid or fix the problem after the update.

Thanks a lot in advance. I always love how many smart people there are in this forum, who understand so much more about this kind of stuff than I will probably ever will. I hope you guys can help me sort this out.

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seems that this dbus / dbus-broker problem is still cause in your case. please open a own topic for this problem.

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When I edit the SDDM settings for autologin and save, systemsettings crashes right away after closing. When reopening, the settings are not in sync with the corresponding config file.

Mai 31 11:02:51 wst systemd-coredump[11450]: [🡕] Process 11359 (systemsettings) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 11359:
#0  0x00007f5399efbaf3 _ZNK11KPageWidget11currentPageEv (libKF6WidgetsAddons.so.6 + 0xfbaf3)
#1  0x00007f539a6ee2bc _ZN10ModuleView12stateChangedEv (libsystemsettingsview.so.3 + 0x1e2bc)
#2  0x00007f53977a17b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a17b7)
#3  0x00007f53977a17b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a17b7)
#4  0x00007f53967c0330 _ZN25KQuickManagedConfigModule11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv (libKF6KCMUtilsQuick.so.6 + 0xe330)
#5  0x00007f5351f6cfdf n/a (kcm_sddm.so + 0x14fdf)
#6  0x00007f53977a1844 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a1844)
#7  0x00007f5351f72e9b n/a (kcm_sddm.so + 0x1ae9b)
#8  0x00007f53989c58dc _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper11setPropertyEPNS_15ExecutionEngineEP7QObjectPK16QQmlPropertyDataRKNS_5ValueE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1c58dc)
#9  0x00007f53989c65ae _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper14setQmlPropertyEPNS_15ExecutionEngineERK14QQmlRefPointerI15QQmlContextDataEP7QObjectPNS_6StringE6QFlagsINS0_4FlagEERKNS_5ValueE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1c65ae)
#10 0x00007f53989c673b _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper10virtualPutEPNS_7ManagedENS_11PropertyKeyERKNS_5ValueEPS4_ (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1c673b)
#11 0x00007f539899d7d8 _ZN3QV46Lookup14setterFallbackEPS0_PNS_15ExecutionEngineERNS_5ValueERKS4_ (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x19d7d8)
#12 0x00007f5398a1a7aa n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x21a7aa)
#13 0x00007f5398a1e163 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x21e163)
#14 0x00007f53989852b6 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1852b6)
#15 0x00007f5398988451 _ZN3QV48Function4callEP7QObjectPPvPK9QMetaTypeiPNS_16ExecutionContextE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x188451)
#16 0x00007f5398abbdd4 _ZN24QQmlJavaScriptExpression8evaluateEPPvPK9QMetaTypei (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2bbdd4)
#17 0x00007f5398a65fb3 _ZN25QQmlBoundSignalExpression8evaluateEPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x265fb3)
#18 0x00007f5398a6aecf n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x26aecf)
#19 0x00007f5398adc85c _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2dc85c)
#20 0x00007f53977a150a n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a150a)
#21 0x00007f5398faa128 _ZN10QQuickItem11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv (libQt6Quick.so.6 + 0x1aa128)
#22 0x00007f53916d218f _ZN13QQuickControl11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv (libQt6QuickTemplates2.so.6 + 0xd218f)
#23 0x00007f53917aff6e _ZN14QQuickComboBox11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv (libQt6QuickTemplates2.so.6 + 0x1aff6e)
#24 0x00007f5398a4b749 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x24b749)
#25 0x00007f5398afda0a _ZN19QQmlPropertyPrivate5writeEP7QObjectRK16QQmlPropertyDataRK8QVariantRK14QQmlRefPointerI15QQmlContextDataE6QFlagsINS2_9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2fda0a)
#26 0x00007f5398aff502 _ZN19QQmlPropertyPrivate18writeValuePropertyERK8QVariant6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2ff502)
#27 0x00007f5398b7f75b _ZN8QQmlBind4evalEv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x37f75b)
#28 0x00007f5398a4b703 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x24b703)
#29 0x00007f5398afda70 _ZN19QQmlPropertyPrivate5writeEP7QObjectRK16QQmlPropertyDataRK8QVariantRK14QQmlRefPointerI15QQmlContextDataE6QFlagsINS2_9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2fda70)
#30 0x00007f5398a5c610 _ZN11QQmlBinding9slowWriteERK16QQmlPropertyDataS2_RKN3QV45ValueEb6QFlagsINS0_9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x25c610)
#31 0x00007f5398a64145 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x264145)
#32 0x00007f5398a606fd _ZN11QQmlBinding8doUpdateERKN24QQmlJavaScriptExpression13DeleteWatcherE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEERN3QV45ScopeE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2606fd)
#33 0x00007f5398a5faae _ZN11QQmlBinding6updateE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x25faae)
#34 0x00007f5398adc85c _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2dc85c)
#35 0x00007f53977a150a n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a150a)
#36 0x00007f5398b71131 _ZN17QQmlVMEMetaObject8metaCallEP7QObjectN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x371131)
#37 0x00007f5398a4b749 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x24b749)
#38 0x00007f5398a64898 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x264898)
#39 0x00007f5398a606fd _ZN11QQmlBinding8doUpdateERKN24QQmlJavaScriptExpression13DeleteWatcherE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEERN3QV45ScopeE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2606fd)
#40 0x00007f5398a5faae _ZN11QQmlBinding6updateE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x25faae)
#41 0x00007f5398adc85c _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2dc85c)
#42 0x00007f53977a150a n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a150a)
#43 0x00007f5398a4b703 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x24b703)
#44 0x00007f5398a64898 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x264898)
#45 0x00007f5398a606fd _ZN11QQmlBinding8doUpdateERKN24QQmlJavaScriptExpression13DeleteWatcherE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEERN3QV45ScopeE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2606fd)
#46 0x00007f5398a5faae _ZN11QQmlBinding6updateE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x25faae)
#47 0x00007f5398adc85c _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2dc85c)
#48 0x00007f53977a150a n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a150a)
#49 0x00007f5351f72e9b n/a (kcm_sddm.so + 0x1ae9b)
#50 0x00007f53989c58dc _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper11setPropertyEPNS_15ExecutionEngineEP7QObjectPK16QQmlPropertyDataRKNS_5ValueE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1c58dc)
#51 0x00007f53989c65ae _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper14setQmlPropertyEPNS_15ExecutionEngineERK14QQmlRefPointerI15QQmlContextDataEP7QObjectPNS_6StringE6QFlagsINS0_4FlagEERKNS_5ValueE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1c65ae)
#52 0x00007f53989c673b _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper10virtualPutEPNS_7ManagedENS_11PropertyKeyERKNS_5ValueEPS4_ (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1c673b)
#53 0x00007f539899d7d8 _ZN3QV46Lookup14setterFallbackEPS0_PNS_15ExecutionEngineERNS_5ValueERKS4_ (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x19d7d8)
#54 0x00007f5398a1a7aa n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x21a7aa)
#55 0x00007f5398a1e163 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x21e163)
#56 0x00007f53989852b6 n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x1852b6)
#57 0x00007f5398988451 _ZN3QV48Function4callEP7QObjectPPvPK9QMetaTypeiPNS_16ExecutionContextE (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x188451)
#58 0x00007f5398abbdd4 _ZN24QQmlJavaScriptExpression8evaluateEPPvPK9QMetaTypei (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2bbdd4)
#59 0x00007f5398a65fb3 _ZN25QQmlBoundSignalExpression8evaluateEPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x265fb3)
#60 0x00007f5398a6aecf n/a (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x26aecf)
#61 0x00007f5398adc85c _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x2dc85c)
#62 0x00007f53977a150a n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1a150a)
#63 0x00007f5398f98299 _ZN17QQuickItemPrivate23setEffectiveEnableRecurEP10QQuickItemb (libQt6Quick.so.6 + 0x198299)

Stack trace of thread 11366:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11364:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11363:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11365:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11376:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca6242 pthread_cond_timedwait (libc.so.6 + 0x92242)
#2  0x00007f53978ce028 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2ce028)
#3  0x00007f53978c7d22 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c7d22)
#4  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11378:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca6242 pthread_cond_timedwait (libc.so.6 + 0x92242)
#2  0x00007f53978ce028 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2ce028)
#3  0x00007f53978c7d22 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c7d22)
#4  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11388:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f5396c858fd n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbe8fd)
#2  0x00007f5396c22f95 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5bf95)
#3  0x00007f5396c22fea n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5bfea)
#4  0x00007f5396c53236 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x8c236)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11389:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f5396c858fd n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbe8fd)
#2  0x00007f5396c24787 g_main_loop_run (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5d787)
#3  0x00007f53934604b4 n/a (libgio-2.0.so.0 + 0x1124b4)
#4  0x00007f5396c53236 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x8c236)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11394:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11407:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f5396c858fd n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbe8fd)
#2  0x00007f5396c22f95 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5bf95)
#3  0x00007f53979a28bd _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x3a28bd)
#4  0x00007f539774f0de _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x14f0de)
#5  0x00007f539783a4b0 _ZN7QThread4execEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x23a4b0)
#6  0x00007f5399163af8 n/a (libQt6Quick.so.6 + 0x363af8)
#7  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#8  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#9  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11368:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11362:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f53986e220b n/a (libxcb.so.1 + 0xd20b)
#2  0x00007f53986e3f3d xcb_wait_for_event (libxcb.so.1 + 0xef3d)
#3  0x00007f5393007211 n/a (libQt6XcbQpa.so.6 + 0x4e211)
#4  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11393:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11380:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f5396c858fd n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbe8fd)
#2  0x00007f5396c22f95 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5bf95)
#3  0x00007f53979a28bd _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x3a28bd)
#4  0x00007f539774f0de _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x14f0de)
#5  0x00007f5397840dd0 _ZN7QThread3runEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x240dd0)
#6  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#7  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#8  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11395:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11361:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f5396c858fd n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbe8fd)
#2  0x00007f5396c22f95 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5bf95)
#3  0x00007f53979a28bd _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x3a28bd)
#4  0x00007f539774f0de _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x14f0de)
#5  0x00007f539783a4b0 _ZN7QThread4execEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x23a4b0)
#6  0x00007f539872ddfe n/a (libQt6DBus.so.6 + 0x2ddfe)
#7  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#8  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#9  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11367:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca5ed9 pthread_cond_wait (libc.so.6 + 0x91ed9)
#2  0x00007f5389e9756e n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9756e)
#3  0x00007f5389e7531c n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x7531c)
#4  0x00007f5389e9749d n/a (radeonsi_dri.so + 0x9749d)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11377:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca6242 pthread_cond_timedwait (libc.so.6 + 0x92242)
#2  0x00007f53978ce028 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2ce028)
#3  0x00007f53978c7d22 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c7d22)
#4  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11379:
#0  0x00007f5397ca34e9 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x8f4e9)
#1  0x00007f5397ca6242 pthread_cond_timedwait (libc.so.6 + 0x92242)
#2  0x00007f53978ce028 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2ce028)
#3  0x00007f53978c7d22 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c7d22)
#4  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11387:
#0  0x00007f5397d27e9d syscall (libc.so.6 + 0x113e9d)
#1  0x00007f5396c7e9e0 g_cond_wait (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xb79e0)
#2  0x00007f5396bec8dc n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x258dc)
#3  0x00007f5396c58687 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x91687)
#4  0x00007f5396c53236 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x8c236)
#5  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#6  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)

Stack trace of thread 11403:
#0  0x00007f5397d1c39d __poll (libc.so.6 + 0x10839d)
#1  0x00007f5396c858fd n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbe8fd)
#2  0x00007f5396c22f95 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x5bf95)
#3  0x00007f53979a28bd _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x3a28bd)
#4  0x00007f539774f0de _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x14f0de)
#5  0x00007f5397840dd0 _ZN7QThread3runEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x240dd0)
#6  0x00007f53978c96b7 n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2c96b7)
#7  0x00007f5397ca6ded n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x92ded)
#8  0x00007f5397d2a0dc n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x1160dc)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

Better late than never.

Since we had this mkinitcpio.pacnew file introduced with the last stable update :wink:

Are you talking about merging “/etc/pam.d/kde.pacnew”?

Last time i had to merge “/etc/pam.d/sddm” was 9month ago… probably you had a really old pacnew file from 08/2023 update?

Do you have a backup from that file, you can easily overwrite it again. (Timeshift “Rsync” is your friend)

read the documentation to know if you need encrypt, openswap, resume. Just by what i see it seems you might have a very custom setup with encryption and encrypted swap. If so, you should know what to do. I not, then the safe thing is to not make changes unless it has been announced changes are needed. If changes are needed, they will be found in the stable update thread.

1 Like

That’s not it. I refer to the settings from /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf which can be altered with systemsettings.

It’s currently 16

  1. You use Timeshift(i hope Rsync) and with a Manjaro Bootstick ready, then there should be absolute no fear to merge your pacnew files.
  2. You can just replace your changed files, if you see problems.
  3. fsck hook is a old entry, i think it was introduced around 1 year (if not older), if you didn’t saw this yet, then you missed to merge the pacnew file.
  4. Just deleting .pacnew as often shown in youtube video’s is no solution.
    This has nothing to do with maintaining your system.

All right, i never had to merge this file yet :man_shrugging:
Do you have a backup and can you replace it?

Maybe open a new Topic, if you still need help. Which stuff need to be merged and what can/should be skipped that lead to your issues.


Try deleting /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf and /etc/sddm.conf if it exists. Then reboot. That will reset SDDM settings to default and hopefully systemsettings will then work.

1 Like

Can anybody help on how to solve the following error:

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing icu (75.1-1) breaks dependency 'libicui18n.so=74-64' required by electron25
:: installing icu (75.1-1) breaks dependency 'libicuuc.so=74-64' required by electron25

Remove electron25? Which is an AUR package, so not supported, anyway.

pamac remove electron25


pamac remove electron25-bin
1 Like

spectre-meltdown-checker was referenced in the Packages-Root file

you need to pull the latest changes to our iso-profiles repo

1 Like

The same thing happens to me, once I log in I get the desktop, I can see the mouse moving but it doesn’t respond to anything.
It does not load any widget on the screen, I hear the sound of notifications and I do not know if the same thing happens to you but I get the sound icon muted.
I am new here and I have little time with Manjaro I would like to learn and be able to find the problem and solve it I do not know if there is an open thread with the specific topic because I do not know what is wrong, if it is not the place to post it I apologize.

1 Like

Welcome @starmito ! :slight_smile:

You will be better starting your own new thread rather than jumping on someone else’s since your hardware and software configuration won’t be the same.

Please don’t forget to post system info in that thread; inxi -zv8 at the minimum. (See [HowTo] Request support for some useful Forum guidance).

Cheers! :beers:

1 Like

Hi @starmito
I just opened a new thread for me:

Feel free to watch it, in case there are responses which might help you identify your root cause as well. However your own thread as @BG405 suggested is a good idea when you have a different configuration/ setup than I have.

If you open a new thread, please ping me and I’ll watch your thread as well.

1 Like

If you mean manjaro-pacnew-checker.
Its been around for a long time.
Since at least last August.

And it still has problems like automatically wanting to remove files even if you didnt manage them, and until recently (today?) it had problems parsing the file paths correctly.

(a special warning to those of you who may use it - especially before the recent hotfix)


Not really, i was just talking about the mkinitcpio changes which came out 14 days ago. Because probably a good amount of user’s maybe would had merged this .pacnew file already as it was new.

1 Like

Got error while hibernating after this update:

Failed to put system to sleep. System resumed again: Device or resource busy

My system does not boot up properly after updating with pamac(gui). It get’s stuck during the boot sequence around the time plymouth is mentioned and does not carry on.

I rerolled with Timeshift and tried updating again with yay but that does not change a thing.

Pretty anoying.