[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman

(This should seriously be put on a red blinking banner on the front page.)

no change after the command and/or reboot…

what does this mean “By the way, about your error message quote, you have to select the text before pressing Ctrl+e.”

It will still be ignored…


If pipewire-pulse is installed to replace pulseaudio & pulseaudio-bluetooth and system is restarted, there is no need to stop pulseaudio.service because the service is no longer present
Also no need to enable and start pipewire and pipewire-pulse services because they are usually enabled and started automatically


Got it, my apologies, didn’t mean to astound you, but you’re quite right that it doesn’t show up via a search in system settings which is how I had been accustomed to accessing it so I thought I would ask, and I appreciate the clarification since I didn’t see it mentioned in the changes notes up above either.

Since that’s dealt with and is clearly unrelated to the other issue at this point, do we have any ideas as to what might be going on with the ethernet port? It’s rather concerning that that is rendered useless with the new kernel and I’m afraid that’s rather above my paygrade in terms of troubleshooting.

Surprisingly, I have an issue only with the GNOME update. Some of the tray icons look weird now, noticeably lower resolution than they are supposed to be, see the MEGASync (red) and the Telegram (blue with the barely readable message counter) ones.


Before the update, they used to be good. Does anyone know what might cause this? I’m running Wayland at 100% scaling.

Sorry, but where and why did Phil’s / Linux-Aarhus’ linux-firmware important message at the top go? Was it replaced by 6.7 EOL?

Simple trick for you. After you’ve installed the package, look at the “files” tab in its entry in pamac-manager. The executable’s name will be shown in /usr/bin (or possibly just /bin). It’s amazing how often I’ve needed this after installing something.


I anybody else encounters this problem:

I did set up a virtual display on my large 4K screen, see:

Very useful for video conferences. However, after the update, all I could see was a black screen with just the mouse pointer showing up. To resolve this issue, I switched to the console and renamed the virtmon.sh script, which allowed me to return to normal operations.

thank you :heart:

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I looked up your previous posts, my connections don’t work aswell after the update. How did you resolve the issue? Downgrading doesn’t help.

okay tried again, downgrading does help.
Seems to be an issue with the kerberos auth in freerdp version 3. The fallback to NTLM seems to be broken?
Earlier remminas (1.4.33) use freerdp2, which uses NTLM by default.

So for anyone interested:

  • downgraded to remmina 1.4.33
  • installed freerdp2

We have to wait for a fix in freerdp after 3.5.1 I guess, related:

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I noticed two problems in KDE 6:

  1. Clipboard not working correctly.
  2. Copy and paste does not work with LibreOffice 24.2.3 (I opened a thread for that)
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It seems to be working as expected here (using Wayland).

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I use KDE, and after updating, I found that in Konsole, the Nerdfonts fallback on my font (JuliaMono) stopped working, and just showed blank icons. I switched to the JuliaMono Nerdfonts AUR package which fixed it, but it’s annoying that this broke.

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For reference, there are no shortage of nerd font packages available in the official repositories:

pamac search nerd


So what? I had a font I already wanted to use and did not want to switch away from and something in Konsole stopped it from properly falling back to a Nerdfont.

With KDE 5.27, Nvidia driver and Wayland, I had a hard lock of the computer.

After pressing the reset button, the bios reported 10 beeps and the computer did not start.

Then I had to turn off the computer (not reset).

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So what?

It was (as was said) for reference. You’re free to use any font you wish, but that freedom doesn’t extend to shooting the messenger.

Calm yourself @mason

Yes, the Nvidia + Wayland combination still tends to be troublesome. I’m fortunate, in that I opted for amdgpu, which seems quite stable with Wayland.


One minor funny. When I tried to install the new from Manjaro Settings Manager, I just got a message that it had failed (no other helpful info). Tried another reboot, but still the same.

So I got round it by installing mhwd then running
sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux69

This may help someone else out.

Oh that is not new for me (multi screen, X11)…