[Stable Update] 2024-02-21 - Kernels, KDE, VirtualBox, Calamares, ROCm, Firefox, Thunderbird

A post was split to a new topic: Network regression for mt7922 wifi adapter after update

No /etc/bash.bashrc.pacsave on 2 Xfce systems (testing + stable branches)

check in /etc/skel for .bashrc

Thereā€™s that typo I was referring to.
I think you need to remove the first dot.
It should be /etc/bash.bashrc
and /etc/bash.bashrc.pacsave

Dear all,
Same here , like others (AdamJenson), I had a sound issue on my Manjaro, after the update.
I was able to ā€œfixā€ it , by opening pavucontrol and changing the settings (Configuration tab + Output Devices). But it is not perfect (as before the update): because I need to choose between the config for headphones or the config for speakers: Meaning I cannot easily switch from one to another.
From what I can see , this update has impacted my sink & port.

More details below where there is a diff between speakers & headphones configuration

speakers working

$ pactl get-default-sink


$ pactl list short sinks
10	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__HDMI3__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
11	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__HDMI2__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
12	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__HDMI1__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
14	alsa_output.usb-Generic_USB_Audio_200901010001-00.HiFi__Line__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s24le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
15	alsa_output.usb-Generic_USB_Audio_200901010001-00.HiFi__Headphones__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s24le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
16	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__Speaker__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	RUNNING

headphones working

$ pactl get-default-sink


$ pactl list short sinks
10	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__HDMI3__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
11	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__HDMI2__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
12	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__HDMI1__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
14	alsa_output.usb-Generic_USB_Audio_200901010001-00.HiFi__Line__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s24le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
15	alsa_output.usb-Generic_USB_Audio_200901010001-00.HiFi__Headphones__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s24le 2ch 48000Hz	IDLE
17	alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__Headphones__sink	module-alsa-card.c	s16le 2ch 48000Hz	RUNNING

So , I am happy to hear thoughts / suggestions, on how I can improve my configuration.

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Far more likely reason for ~/.profile not being loaded if youā€™re an Xfce user is this change to LightDM. Previously it was loading ~/.profile and other files

for file in "/etc/profile" "$HOME/.profile" "/etc/xprofile" "$HOME/.xprofile"; do
    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
        echo "Loading profile from $file";
        . "$file"

Now it doesnā€™t do that, and neither bash or zsh will load ~/.profile by default (bash will load it only if there is no ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login, or if itā€™s launched with name sh or with --posix option).

Bash starup files

Zsh startup files

So yes, if you were relying on previous LightDM behaviour and still need ~/.profile to be sourced then you now have to do that from either ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile as appropriate for your chosen shell.


Using pacdiff -s, thatā€™s the result on ā€œviewā€ mode:

Do I need to just change the first line to root:x:0:0::/root:/usr/bin/bash?
And after that, delete /etc/passwd.pacnew?

I am following this answer:

Right now I think that I am understanding what is going onā€¦ Hope that solving this pacnew stuff, this strange buggy thing on my system stopsā€¦

Thanks for that info! As Cinnamon also uses LightDM, this explains a lotā€¦

This Editor doesnā€™t look like Meld btw.

Yeah, you can change it like thatā€¦

Since you got a snapshot from this pacnew file you can easy delete it.

If you have also merged other and older pacnew files, you may could fix your bugā€¦ its only a possibility.

But not from this brand new .pacnew fileā€¦ both config files are fine ā€œat the momentā€ā€¦ but we merge it for the future, if/when a developer rely on this newer settings at some day or notā€¦ nobody knows.

Thats why this changes right now are only optionalā€¦ you canā€™t know what happends and how much it depends at a certain time, to have this settings updated.

You just fixing possible bugs that maybe will show up in futureā€¦ minority report style, donā€™t get arrested by Tom Cruise :male_detective: :crazy_face:

Yeah, I just type pacdiff -s. You already sent the instructions to use meld, right?
Do I need to use that, or doing that manually on the file itā€™s ok?

Rightā€¦ If I remember correctly, I donā€™t have any other pacnew filesā€¦
I suspect that this bug itā€™s something on Xorg or Gnome itself. Because already on the login screen I feel the delay on some things (like press enter to start typing the password on login screen. In system, pause a song have the same problem).

Yeah, both option are posted above.

Someone told me a year ago, that Meld doing a better job to keep the file rights/access present after Merging. You need to do it manually, always. The question is only, in which viewer/editor you gonna do it.

Its not meld thats better at permissions.
Its pacdiff -s, whatever the editor of choice.
As it creates temporary directory, and uses sudoedit, meaning acts on temporary files and then uses sudo afterwards to apply changes.
meld is regarded well for being a GUI that supports in-line merging and editing.
(tools like kdiff3 only allow full replacements, vimdiff is unwieldy, etc)
But the point is to use pacdiff which is the tool for finding the offending pacnew/pacsave/etcā€™s, as well as the appropriate tools and formulated functions for editing and preserving files. (skip, save, backup, view, sudoedit as mentioned, etc)

A snippet for the extra curious:

diffprog_fn() {
        if [[ -n "$SUDO" ]]; then
                SUDO_EDITOR="$diffprog" sudoedit "$@"
                $diffprog "$@"

view_diff() {

        package="$(pacman -Qoq "$file")" || return 1
        base_tar="$(base_cache_tar "$package")"

        two_way_diff() {
                diffprog_fn "$pacfile" "$file"

        three_way_diff() {
                diffprog_fn "$pacfile" "$base" "$file"

        unset tempdir

        if (( ! THREE_WAY_DIFF )); then
        elif [[ -z $base_tar ]]; then
                msg2 "Unable to find a base package. falling back to 2-way diff."
                basename="$(basename "$file")"
                tempdir="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir "pacdiff-diff-$basename.XXX")"
                base="$(mktemp "$tempdir"/"$basename.base.XXX")"
                merged="$(mktemp "$tempdir"/"$basename.merged.XXX")"

                if ! bsdtar -xqOf "$base_tar" "${file#/}" >"$base"; then
                        msg2 "Unable to extract the previous version of this file. falling back to 2-way diff."


        if cmp -s "$pacfile" "$file"; then
                msg2 "Files are identical, removing..."
                $SUDO rm -v "$pacfile"

        $SUDO rm -rf "$tempdir"
        return $ret
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Nice catch bro, thank you

2 posts were split to a new topic: Node related file conflicts

Just ā€œmergedā€ here. Everything was fine.
But, I ran pacdiff -s again and it show a new .pacnew file.

Should I merge (manually)?

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When you have several (older) pacnew files, because you never maintained your .pacnew files yet. And you need still help with them, you better create your own Topic.

In a Announcements Topic should mainly this discussed which is in direct relation to this Stable update and older pacnew files are no part of itā€¦ or is this a new file?

Btw. your screenshot not showing which one is pacnew and which is the old version. The simple answer, without any detailsā€¦ for sure you should manually merge, but how exactlyā€¦ is another question and required more overview/details.

To me that looks like an old installation, since zsh has been default for a while now as far as I know. So Iā€™d assume .pacnew merges havenā€™t been tended to in a while.

@GaaSantAna Iā€™d merge that manually (right to left); but do heed advice on starting your own thread if you havenā€™t done so already, for any further issues on this. :slight_smile:

Lots of packages to update today. Is there a new stable update without announcementā€¦? :slightly_smiling_face: