[Stable Update] 2023-11-06 - Kernels, Gnome 45.1, Plasma 5.27.9, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pipewire

After update, the “Show Apps” button in Gnome Dash to Dock no longer worked, but the bug appears to be an upstream issue : the fix is detailed here.

Also, the Gnome theme colours were split between blue and maia. Fix is to reselect “Custom-Accent-Colours” for Shell in Gnome Tweaks, which restores consistent maia colouring.

Edit : maia colouring restored except on login screen.


You are right, I searched for partitionmanager in my pamac and found another version available so I removed the one I had and downloaded the other one, now pamac is downloading all the updates.
This install is at least 2 years old, I don’t know why I had that version installed.
Thank you

I already fixed it a while ago. Since I’m based in Asia I see those post earlier than him :laughing:


Living with the other linux-fu monks in the bavarian shaolin a.k.a. Munich?

Had the Gnome Shell something went wrong oops screen, logged out and back in came up again, logged out again and then back in, worked this time and had turned off all extensions, found that 1 extensions i was using is no longer supported on Gnome 45, so turned on all other extensions and removed the unsupported extension and all is working normal.

In case someone else is using the Extension “Coverflow Alt-Tab” i would recommend turning it off or removing it before you update.

I’m not sure if this is actually related to the upgrade or not, but during the post-install phase of pacman -Syuu I got the following:

( 5/31) Reloading device manager configuration...
Timed out for waiting the udev queue being empty.
error: command failed to execute correctly

And then when trying to reboot, the shutdown hung (apparently indefinitely—I left it over half an hour) on a failed eject. Eventually I had to resort to the reset button…
Which then somehow messed the BIOS settings such that it tried to boot from the wrong hard drive (pretty sure that had nothing to do with the update other than its forcing a hard reset).

Thoughts anyone?

Fehler: Vorgang konnte nicht vorbereitet werden (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen)
:: Installation von kpeople5 (5.111.0-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit »kpeople«, benötigt von kpeoplevcard
:: Installation von kcontacts5 (5.111.0-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit »kcontacts«, benötigt von kpeoplevcard

same here. will wait till the maintainers fix this unusable update.

Drop ZFS support just like that?
Will there be a phase out or something so we can move to another distribution?
Is there a way to continue using ZFS on Manjaro?

I’m not using ZFS root but have data on ZFS volumes.
So when you drop ZFS I won’t be able to read that anymore?


It’s possible to revert the Gnome updates?

After this upgrade, everything works fine except Gnome. Gnome broken title bar border and others things.

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sudo pacman -Syuu

… or… :point_down:

sudo pacman -Rdd kpeoplevcard && sudo pacman -Syu kpeoplevcard

sudo pacman -S zfs-dkms

Yes, in the same situation I do not use ZFS on root and continue with Manjaro to read/write data in ZFS.

How?My idea: Two separate Kernels (Manjaro Kernel and stable ZFS Kernel ) are running in parallel on my same computer. Thanks to KVM/QEMU, it can access my native ZFS mirror on my two physical disks.

This means that I have two systems (two different Kernels) that both communicate with each other via standard NFS and SSH connection without any problems.

I’m relatively new to Manjaro. So this update which included Gnome 45.1 gave me a small hiccup. Apparently, you need to turn off all extensions before the update is performed. However, that’s not done automatically by the update. When my computer rebooted I got a message that something went wrong: to logout and then login again. I had to do that 3 times, plus one restart before everything returned to normal. All my extensions were turned off by the update. I then opened Extension Manager and removed the extensions that were no longer compatible with Gnome 45 and restarted all the compatible extensions. Now I’m back to normal. Great update.

On my second Manjaro machine I didn’t have the problem above because I already knew to disable all extensions before the upgrade. The second machine’s upgrade went fine.


That’s just a temporary solution since the announcement said:

Is there a reason why ZFS was dropped?

Don’t want to invest any more time in Manjaro if it can’t support ZFS. Been overall satisfied with Manjaro till now, but such sudden moves leave me perplexed and doubtful of what is yet to come.

(sorry but I don’t know how to reply to replies)


I think, zfs-dkms was originally created by Archzfs group who can maintain ZFS. It is in AUR. That is not Manjaro’s job.

I already mentioned above:

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I hear they are not using encryption either, so LUKS users should watch out next /s

Sarcasm aside, this is quite disappointing and yet another reason to jump ship after relatively smooth sailing for years on an end. This makes me sad.


I had some conflicts regarding kcoreaddons5 (5.111.0-1) breaking kimap2.
Searched for kimap2 in pamac GUI, led to sink which led to kube which I apparently had installed from AUR. After manually removing kube, kimap2 and something dav2-ish pamac GUI got it’s things together and solved any remaining conflicts. Lesson learned, steer clear of AUR.

@philm The suggested solution for the switch to zfs-dkms will fail if linux61-headers aren’t installed.

(At least it did in my case.)

About to reboot and see if my zfs pool comes back now I installed linux61-headers (the DKMS modules built automatically when I installed it)

EDIT: zfs pool back up now.

(I have a /data zfs pool on spinning rust with important and bulky files, eg 20 years of digital photos, but my root and home partitions are on nvme. Still able to log in but things look a little ugly.


To anyone else after the update,with Gnome, the accent color of the login screen turned blue? The rest of the theme is ok. I’ve tried to reselect “Custom-Accent-Colours” but it fix all except login screen.


In Testing, there was this issue with spinning disks not spinning down. Some patch was made there but only few people reported it was fixed. I am sure this was fixed but I can not find it there?

I know this is bad manner, but i want to ask again : Why was the nvidia driver 545 not included?

The Turing cards which are affected by black screen flicking ( basically every time they change their power state ) are like 30% of the gamers on the steam chart.

It was the highest upvoted comment on the 545 thread on reddit with many users expressing they would rather go back to windows, then deal with more of this ■■■■.

545 has been in unstable for a while … why was it not pushed with this update?