[Stable Update] 2023-07-10 - Kernels, Plasma, Gnome, LibreOffice, Pipewire, Mozilla, Wine

Yeah, i read that with power stats also… i was thinking to use Max Performance settings, but i forgot to check my Powerdraw device to use befor i plugin my PC… i need to see for my 2080Ti how much more Watt it willl use with that setting… in germany are the Energy Bills very very high.

Im paying actually almost 100€ per month and as far i remember the Power Draw (atleast under Windows) for gaming was changing with Max Performance alot too.

There could be easily 50Watt difference while gaming too.

I think a script where we can change settings for idle (max) and gaming (adaptive) would be a good option, to evade this flickering for the next 2-3 month, till lazy nvidia gives us a hotfix.

If you thinking about to creating a little script, that could change this easily… it would be nice if you can post the code here :slight_smile:

Tell that to tutorials using visudo.
Besides. there were changes in that file that was brand new to at least my file, me adding a few lines at the end setting editor had nothing to do with that.

Especially bad is that this change reverts allowing the wheel group to use sudo. You can lock yourself out by merging without understanding.

They should use

sudo visudo /etc/sudoers.d/<filename>

you mean these?

## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

## Same thing without a password

## Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to execute any command
# %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

I have never had them uncommented, I use a poolkit rule instead in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
I also disable passwd prompt in that rule though (yes I know you think I’m stupid, and I probably am, but I like LIVING ON THE EDGE), is this why sudo always works for me??

The flashing was too triggering for me on my 2k monitor, so i’m using max performance now and the issue is gone.

Idle power consumption went up, as i said before, from 20 to 35W idle, but since its a 2060 … it will draw 150W+ in gaming on 2k anyways, since most of my games are GPU capped.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Setting your GPU to use “Max power” via the nvidia settings manager will not persist through X11 restarts or hard restarts of you PC. You will need to reapply it after every restart. Do it by going into the nvidia settings manager, switch power to adaptive and then back to power.

For checking the power consumption of your NVidia GPU use

nvidia-smi dmon

For me, the extra power draw in idle is worth not having the bug. But that differs. Also 100€ for electricity in germany is not much. I pay 70€ with basically only my PC and fridge running.

There are ways to set the powerstate via terminal commands, but ■■■■ me messing with that.

Last notes : If you are on KDE you might wanna check out this.

And also check GitHub - fwupd/fwupd: A system daemon to allow session software to update firmware

Comes with most Manjaro installs and takes 4 commands to check ( scroll down on the page )

I completely forgot to run it after i installed Manjaro 2 years ago and i remember my specific motherboard having a big issue where a firmware update was needed.

Well found it again today and updated my motherboard firmware from 6 years ago to a 2 month old update which not only let my CPU idle on 800Mhz now, but also reduced the power consumtion of the entire PC by 25%.

But that was a very specific bug on my specific setup … results may vary.

That is most likely because you didn’t save the configuration in nvidia-config to the config file in /etc/X11/mhwd.d/ (the button “Save to X configuration file” in the “X server configuration” menu), you only “apply them” for this session if you don’t.
Make sure you name the file correctly when you save. I recomend doing a backup of the config file before starting to play around with the settings.

Yes, Pamac is a GTK product. As far as I know, no non-GTK versions exist. The GTK version number used does not show up in the file names. if I cd to /usr/bin and do “ls pamac*” I get “pamac pamac-daemon pamac-installer pamac-manager pamac-tray pamac-tray-plasma”. It’s all GTK.

To return from the GTK-4 version of pamac to the GTK-3 version, simply launch pamac and install “pamac-gtk3”. That will automatically un-install “pamac-gtk” (which is based on GTK-4) and replace it with a pamac version basked on GTK-3.

I’ve been doing that to all my computers the last few days, because pamac-gtk has crappy-looking icons, at least on my KDE-Plasma desktops. (Maybe it looks better on Gnome, but I don’t run Gnome.)

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Since you can set the powerstate of your NVidia card via terminal and the tooltip says its not persistant, i doubt x.org conf has anything to do with it.

Doubt as much as you like.
Didn’t say you should change the xorg conf, I suggested you save your nvidia settings to the nvidia conf (whatever the name is on YOUR computer, I changed it to nvidia.conf) that is symlinked by 90-mhwd.conf

That’s explained in the “Known Issues” near the top of this thread. To fix that, launch a console, become root, and type “pacman -Sy libpamac”, hit Enter, then answer “y Enter” to all questions. Once that completes, restart machine and re-launch pamac and it will work right.

I created 2 bash scripts to change Preset modes, the scripts are for GPU:0 if you have a second GPU in your system this can lead maybe to problems:

For max Performance:

nvidia-settings -a "[gpu:0]/GpuPowerMizerMode=1"

For Auto Detection:

nvidia-settings -a "[gpu:0]/GpuPowerMizerMode=2"

You can also check your states in terminal with:

nvidia-settings -q GpuPowerMizerMode


Should I do this update with pamac or pacman -Syyu ?
I have just hd-idle-go from AUR installed, nothing else. Edit; ok just removed that…
(Btw, which is better hd-idle or hd-idle-go, these support spin downs of my HD that has no SMART support)?

Doesn’t matter anymore. You can use pamac or pamac, whichever you prefer.

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All the choices. :sweat_smile:

Hey, I have the same problem during update of my AUR packages. My list differs a bit.
cbkcomp, game-devices-udev, tieshift, v86d

It says corrupted database. I have updates all keys and so on as in another post described. But the error is still be there. In the extended log is no more detailed error to be seen. I can edit the build files, but that was it.

Checking <application> dependencies...
Failed to prepare transaction:
invalid or corrupted database
Transaction cancelled.

Any ideas how to solve this?

I was not really counting but I got the impression that if somebody moved the senseless-pacnew-discussion posts and all the pamac-issue posts into separate threads this one would not be 100 posts long.

Something to think about, on both counts.


Its a common symptom of the announcement threads that a good number of people treat it like their personal troubleshooting thread and/or neglect reading it and post the same thing multiple times.
See … any other one … they are all rather long, especially if not heavily moderated. Last month: 322.
(the lowest I see is somewhere in the 40s, and those are little ones with another happening days later)

This sounds similar to an earlier post in this thread. Please read the post and the response. If you need assistance with editing the file, please ask.


Kernel 6.3, 6.3-rt, 6.4 and 6.4-rt not functioning on MSI GS65-9SF