[Stable Update] 2023-06-04 - Kernels, Gnome 44.1, Plasma 5.27.5, Python 3.11, Toolchain, Firefox

Snif. I know how you feel :disappointed_relieved:


A post was merged into an existing topic: CMake broke with latest stable update

I updated only on my work laptop.
Gnome freezed for something like 2 seconds and came back, just one time.
But, the Psensor icon is missing. In the place, it shows a white square, and right click donā€™t show nothing. I searched for some similar problem on the thread, but I donā€™t found it.
Any tip?

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Okay, I completely understood. My eyes were blind.

One thing I do know for sure is that it is great to be a Manjaro donor!
I will be today!

Naw, everthing smoothly. Maybe put in the header that you manually have to set the mouse speed to Adaptive after this update, on KDE Plasma, if you had that before, the setting was gone.
Some folks might not know.

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Boring here too on KDE 5.27.5 and 6.3x kernel.


This might be specific to your machine and/or installation, because it did not do that here on my machine. It was on adaptive before the update, and it was still on adaptive after the update. :man_shrugging:


Itā€™s related to the 2023-04-11 ā€œxf86-input-libinput 1.3.0 DPI and mouse acceleration issue on KDE Plasma X11ā€ issue, which has now been fixed in this update.

Anyone who set their acceleration profile to Flat to workaround that issue needs to change it back to Adaptive to have the same mouse behaviour (basically, the issue meant that Flat = Adaptive and Adaptive = the new libinput 1.3 acceleration profile which is much faster).

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As for others, Brave was broken after the update. I uninstalled it and installed Brave beta version and that is working fine.

We now have brave-browser 1.52.122-1 available. Any difference?

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I think that Brave 1.52.122-1 is the one I uninstalled. It would partially load a page and stop with missing images and text. I am now running Brave-Browser-Beta 153.77.1 which works. I am running KDE Plasma.

Are you sure? It was just updated a few hours ago to that version.

I am not absolutely sure. I did the upgrade this morning around 10:00 am I think, about three hours ago. Because of all of the problems noted in the thread I waited a couple of days. Then I tested Brave and sure enough, it was broken. I use Brave all the time so I wanted a quick fix. Some people rolled back, but I decided maybe newer was better so I went with the beta.

Well, maybe look?

pacman -Qi brave-browser

How do I look for what version I uninstalled? I am not very skilled at Linux. Please forgive me.

Oh, I see, you gave me some code. I ran that in konsole and it said ā€œnot found.ā€

Check your /var/log/pacman.log. If you want an easy-mode GUI, install pacmanlogviewer. :wink:

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You are right. The version I uninstalled was 1.52.117-2. Iā€™ll try installing the new stable one.


Yes, 1.52.122-1 works.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Multibootusb fails in prepare()

Skype stopped workingā€¦ Itā€™s impossible to make callsā€¦ no audio at all.
I deleted xdg-desktop-portal-gnomeā€¦ nothing happened
I installed it through flatpak and snap and still no audio at all
I am using xfce

Tried again the update and this time almost everything was perfect. Only the mouse was slow, changed to ā€œAdaptativeā€ again and solved. No error messages logged, applications start as fast as alwaysā€¦ :+1: