[Stable Update] 2023-03-31 - Kernels, Plasma 5.27 LTS, Pamac, Phosh, Mesa, LibreOffice

Do you mean the flickering? That’s not related to nvidia-settings, it appears to be a driver issue. The driver package is nvidia-utils.

See FS#77975 - [nvidia] 530.41.03-1 high refresh rate problems

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For me this new kernel update to linux515 5.15.104 hung my laptop when it got to the “build hook [keyboard]” part of the build.

I was able to work around this by typing CTRL-ALT-F4 and then getting into the command line. Then I did pacman -Syu linux515 and it was able to rebuild the kernel properly. Everything worked fine after reboot.

Since the update, there is a few apps (identified for now are Firefox, Gimp and Viewnior) in which my mouse wheels first step doesn’t do anything when I rotate it in a direction. It’s quite bothering TBH…

do you have a high refresh rate monitor?

Yes, but i dont think my bug is related to the high refresh rate problem, that @Yochanan posted,
because i dont use Wayland as the people on that Arch Forum and my flashes temporary vanished when running 3D rendering (ingame) or watching videos with smplayer.

I edited my first posting already and added few links for more details.

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I have /home -> /mnt/sdb1/home. Update removed that link and created an empty directory /home. That prevented me from logging in.
So, my questions are:

  1. Is that symlink a bad practice?
  2. If so, mounting the second disk partition under /home is the proper way to go?

Otherwise, no problems so far.

I thought this update included the latest linux-firmware.
But is not the case, what a pity. Already in the Arch Linux Testing Repo:


I have to be patient now.
This will bring the following firmware on board (qat_4xxx):



In these cases it is better to use a bind-mount instead of a symlink

This may apply to /home, /usr, /var and other essential directories
Please also follow this link (not the preview shown :wink: , but the expanded text):

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seems like a very weird place to crash as it is a pretty frequent and preserved codepath. Please check journal for errors and maybe post more info.

There’s a problem that has been occuring for many months now, thought this update would fix it but didn’t. I’m on Manjaro Gnome. Everytime the Pamac software takes much time on a process, it it thinks that it crashed and it asks if I want to force close it or wait while in fact it didn’t crash, waiting for a few seconds/minutes fixes it and completes the process. It’s really annoying. Any fix for that? Thank you in advance.

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When I saw only 73% had no issues, I was sure I would have an update problem running KDE 5.24.7 LTS and the nouveau driver. But knock me over with a feather. NO PROBLEMS!


Had the same thoughts, although running Plasma 5.26.x, and, now, 5.27.x… All’s well. :v:

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This is my first upgrade with mesa non-free included.
After I use the upgrade command, I receive this messages and I can’t continue.
Pleas a little advice on what can I do…

pamac upgrade --force-refresh                                                                                                   100 ✘  6s  
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: xxx
Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing mesa-nonfree.db...                                                                                                                             
Refreshing core.db...                                                                                                                                     
Refreshing extra.db...                                                                                                                                    
Refreshing community.db...                                                                                                                                
Refreshing multilib.db...                                                                                                                                 
Error: multilib.db: mesa-nonfree: signature from "Mesa Freeworld <info@manjaro.download>" is invalid                                                      
Refreshing mesa-nonfree.files...                                                                                                                          
Refreshing core.files...                                                                                                                                  
Refreshing extra.files...                                                                                                                                 
Refreshing community.files...                                                                                                                             
Refreshing multilib.files...                                                                                                                              
Error: multilib.files: mesa-nonfree: signature from "Mesa Freeworld <info@manjaro.download>" is invalid                                                   
Failed to synchronize databases
Warning: libva-mesa-driver: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: mesa: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: mesa-vdpau: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: opencl-mesa: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: vulkan-intel: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: vulkan-mesa-layers: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: vulkan-radeon: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: vulkan-swrast: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Warning: vulkan-virtio: local (1:22.3.5-1) is newer than extra (23.0.1-1)
Error: Failed to prepare transaction: invalid or corrupted database

After rebooting, my Plasma panels had shrunk to a tiny size. Fixed by adjusting them so only a minor problem.

More seriously, my OpenVPN server refused to start, throwing various error messages including “setgroups(‘openvpn’) failed: Operation not permitted (errno=1)” and “capng_change_id(‘openvpn’,‘openvpn’) failed retaining capabilities: -9”. After a web search, the only obvious solution I could find was to downgrade OpenVPN, which worked.

Also a rather scary message during the upgrade warning that my system might not boot unless secure boot was disabled if grubx64.efi wasn’t a bundled module. Though it came up OK (PHEW!)

At the risk of causing trouble by mentioning an AUR package, searx-ng also refused to start; if anyone else uses this, the problem can be fixed by downgrading python-flask-babel.


  1. Get a huge real life headache dealing with literally physically painful monitor performance trying to fix it.
  2. Take 2 paracetamol with codeine.
  3. Roll back everything with timeshift to before the update.
  4. Install Windows on 3rd SSD for the first time in 3 years to make sure I can use something not completely broken if this absolute mess happens ever again.
  5. Take another paracetamol with codeine because the damn headache is still there and crushing my skull.
  6. Post solution.
  7. Go to bed.
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I have 165 and 60Hz monitors. Flickering occurs on both.

Using Manjaro KDE on an AMD Radeon graphics system. After this latest update, my firefox now has an abnormally large interface, which is pleasant on the eyes, but too large to be practical. It takes up 1/5 of the screen. I installed xsettingsd (no system restart yet) but that made no difference.

Other GTK apps also have issues. Disks now has icons and fonts that are too small.

I have an encryption issue that I don’t think is related to the grub one mentioned above. I use systemd-boot and have been using disk encryption with secure boot and unlocking the encrypted drives using TPM2. This has worked fine until the update today, and my system has been hanging on boot.

I found this in my journal, after realizing I needed to manually type in my password (though I get no prompt now):

systemd-cryptsetup[432]: TPM2 support is not installed.

Was TPM2 support removed from Manjaro’s version of systemd-cryptsetup?

Update: restarting was all that was missing. Firefox and Gnome Disks now look perfect. In summary, installing xsettingsd and rebooting fixed the problem.

I ran into a problem on my older Nvidia based system (Nv GT-750Ti). The installation won’t go further because of those errors. i am no expert in Manjaro, so help will be appreciate * Sorry it is in French but should be easy to understand Tx

la satisfaction des dépendances a échoué:
- la suppression de lib32-libjpeg-turbo casse la dépendance « lib32-libjpeg-turbo » requise par lib32-libtiff
- la suppression de lib32-libjpeg-turbo casse la dépendance « libjpeg.so=8-32 » requise par lib32-libtiff
- la suppression de lib32-libelf casse la dépendance « lib32-libelf » requise par lib32-libva-mesa-driver
- l’installation de nvidia-utils (530.41.03-4) casse la dépendance « nvidia-utils=525.89.02 » requise par linux60-nvidia
- si possible, supprimer linux60-nvidia et réessayer
- la suppression de mpv casse la dépendance « mpv » requise par smplayer

P.S On my main system, Ryzen 5600 and AMD RX570, the update went fine as I can see. Good work.