[Stable Update] 2022-12-20 - Kernels, XFCE 4.18, KDE Frameworks, Kde Gear, Mesa, Plasma-Mobile, Thunderbird, Firefox

Has anyone else had an issue with their dkms modules? I’ve been scratching my head since updating. I’ve rebuilt and reinstalled them just in case, but always get the same problem:

$ dkms status
v4l2loopback/0.12.7, 5.15.84-1-MANJARO, x86_64: installed (WARNING! Diff between built and installed module!)

This results in the module not being available.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Forgot to mention this is using the v4l2loopback-dkms package in the community repo.

Update: Fired up a fresh VM with the Manjaro 21.3.7 Gnome Edition ISO, updated it, and then isntalled the v4l2loopback-dkms package and had the same outcome. More investigating.

Update 2: The dkms package was updated this round 3.0.8-1 => 3.0.9-1, but not seeing any changes that would cause my issue…except the removal of this patch perhaps?

Update 3: Downgrading the dkms package back to 3.0.8-1 seems to fix the issue, though not ideal.

Manjaro-Release 22.0.0-1.
How can find the New Install ISOs on this Base for New Installations over the Holidays or so?
From the Homepage I can download 21.x

Had some temporary weirdness after initial reboot where the mouse cursor in KDE would not interact with any part of a window on the lower third of the screen. Rebooting again seems to have fixed it.

The very next line in the wiki post states

firefox stable is even more broken.
Instead of getting stuck and not outputting anything it now exits with exit code 1 without outputting anything!
Will have to stick to ESR :confused:

Perhaps this help you a little bit.

Those packages require dbus, not dbus-x11 specifically. Since dbus-x11 provides dbus, both packages will show the same info like you’re seeing.

Tip: If you don’t know what the purpose of dbus-x11 was, you definitely don’t need it and should replace it with dbus. :wink:

After upgrading, Emacs render some font faces crappy, like anti-alias off.

Pay attention to the 3 headings and 2 font faces outlined in red.

variable-pitch face is set to Iosevka Etoile font.
fixed-pitch-serif face is set to Iosevka Slab font.
These two fonts are rendered smooth in other apps (KDE Font Mangement, LibreOffice, …).

In this upgrading, Emacs is not touched. These two font packages ttc-iosevka-etoile and ttc-iosevka-slab was refreshed from 16.5.0-1 to 16.8.0-1. But rollback doesn’t resolve this problem.

I have no idea which upgraded packages caused this.


It’s indeed the fault of font. Rollback the two font packages can bring smooth back, after reboot (maybe re-login can take effect too)!

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Update to 5.15.84-1 was straightforward.

Noticed that Thunar file manager now always opens to the same larger width regardless of size adjustment the last time it was used. So it doesn’t remember size properties from last time it was used.

Upgraded kernel to 6.0.14-1.

Thunar file manager still opens to a default width.

Kernel 6.1.0 provided with this update is KO on a haswell laptop (CPU: quad core Intel Core i7-4750HQ with integrated graphics). Systems regularly freezes a few seconds after launching the desktop environment.

Kernel 6.0.14 is OK.

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Since two weeks, I can’t make any update due to a wrong key or something like that :

`nastia@nastia ~]$ sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/*
[sudo] Mot de passe de nastia : 
[nastia@nastia ~]$ sudo pacman-key --init
gpg: /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/trustdb.gpg : base de confiance créée
gpg: aucune clef de confiance ultime n'a été trouvée
==> Generating pacman master key. This may take some time.
gpg: Generating pacman keyring master key...
gpg: répertoire « /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d » créé
gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/50097691271F35F3B1BE2D3A703DB923E96FF687.rev'
gpg: Done
==> Mise à jour de la base de données de confiance…
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: profondeur : 0  valables :   1  signées :   0
     confiance : 0 i., 0 n.d., 0 j., 0 m., 0 t., 1 u.
[nastia@nastia ~]$ sudo pacman -Syyu
:: Synchronisation des bases de données de paquets…
 core                  159,8 KiB   159 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 extra                1835,0 KiB  2,60 MiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 community               7,5 MiB  7,11 MiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 multilib              167,0 KiB  1000 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
:: Some packages should be upgraded first...
résolution des dépendances…
recherche des conflits entre paquets…

Paquets (1) archlinux-keyring-20221213-1

Taille totale du téléchargement :  1,12 MiB
Taille totale installée :          1,59 MiB
Taille de mise à jour nette :      0,01 MiB

:: Procéder à l’installation ? [O/n] o
:: Récupération des paquets…
 archlinux-keyrin...  1144,7 KiB  4,04 MiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
(1/1) vérification des clés dans le trousseau      [######################] 100%
téléchargement des clés requises…
:: Importer la clé PGP 6D42BDD116E0068F, « Christian Hesse <eworm@archlinux.org> » ? [O/n] o
(1/1) vérification de l’intégrité des paquets      [######################] 100%
erreur : archlinux-keyring : la signature de « Christian Hesse <eworm@archlinux.org> » est de confiance inconnue
:: Le fichier /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archlinux-keyring-20221213-1-any.pkg.tar.zst est corrompu (paquet non valide ou corrompu (signature PGP)).
Voulez-vous le supprimer ? [O/n] `

As you can read it the key of Christian Hesse cause trouble :

:: Importer la clé PGP 6D42BDD116E0068F, « Christian Hesse [eworm@archlinux.org](mailto:eworm@archlinux.org) » ? [O/n] o
(1/1) vérification de l’intégrité des paquets [######################] 100%
*erreur : archlinux-keyring : la signature de « Christian Hesse [eworm@archlinux.org](mailto:eworm@archlinux.org) » est de confiance inconnue*

An this package seems to be corrupted

:: Le fichier /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archlinux-keyring-20221213-1-any.pkg.tar.zst est corrompu (paquet non valide ou corrompu (signature PGP)).*

I am fighting since 15 days already without any results.

Any help please.


Because I wanted to see how HiDPI support is coming along, I installed a version from the shotwell development branch built from the AUR:

❯ pacman -Qi shotwell
Name            : shotwell-git
Version         : 0.31.5.r84.g025d3826-1
Build Date      : za 12 nov 2022 10:51:18 CET

so maybe that is the reason. Thanks!

Backlight control stopped working again when switching to kernel 6.1 on my Intel/Nvidia Legion laptop, has been working since 5.16.

With this update the startup time has increased. Usually my system used to boot in about 2.277 seconds:

Startup finished in 1.123s (kernel) + 595ms (initrd) + 558ms (userspace) = 2.277s 
graphical.target reached after 558ms in userspace

Now it takes about 4 seconds:

Startup finished in 1.212s (kernel) + 706ms (initrd) + 2.125s (userspace) = 4.043s 
graphical.target reached after 2.118s in userspace.

Reported in a dedicated thread:

It is - you need to rebuild it.

Anyone „fixed“ the date / clock format on taskbar xfce?

It’s shows:
instead of
DD. Dec. Time
like before.

There are no presets to set it up like before.

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I have black screen instead of XFCE panels. .xsession-errors says:

/usr/bin/iceauth:  creating new authority file /run/user/1000/ICEauthority
gpg-agent: a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one
xfce4-panel: symbol lookup error: xfce4-panel: undefined symbol: xfce_gdk_device_grab
Thunar: symbol lookup error: Thunar: undefined symbol: xfce_g_file_is_trusted

See UPDATE below!

I have no libxfce4ui-nocsd, but I do have


There are packages depending on them:

~ pacman -Qi libxfce4ui-devel | grep 'Depends On'
Depends On      : libxfce4util>=4.15.6  xfconf  libsm  startup-notification  hicolor-icon-theme  gtk3  libgtop
~ pacman -Qi libxfce4util-devel | grep 'Depends On'                     
Depends On      : glib2

I have replaced dbus-x11 with dbus. Should I replace libxfce4ui-devel and libxfce4util-devel with libxfce4ui and libxfce4util?

I’m just a regular user, so please give clear instructions. Thank you!

UPDATE: I did install standard libxfce4ui and libxfce4util instead of -devel but it did nothing. The same .xsession-errors.

How can I learn where those xfce_gdk_device_grab and xfce_g_file_is_trusted happen?

I also have an error window because of Birdtray:

Fatal error: Sorry, system tray cannot be controlled through this add-on on your operating system.

Log file is written into file /tmp/birdtray-log.txt

and that log file is empty.

UPDATE2: I removed birdtray (a flatpack application), it sped up the loading, but didn’t help otherwise. How should I debug the problem of the absent XFCE panels?

Seems mostly good on my KDE Plasma system, except for the annoyance that when I open a konsole, the journal gets hit with messages saying:

Dec 21 12:02:11 konsole[13113]: kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action  "" "Show Quick Commands" set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.
Dec 21 12:02:11 konsole[13113]: kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action  "" "Show SSH Manager" set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.

then every now and then the journal gets spammed with lots of messages saying:

konsole[8999]: QPen::setWidth: Setting a pen width that is out of range

I can’t find anything about these messages with a Web search.

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choose design then go to time go to format then customize…it’s right there for me
%B %e %H:%M

Had same issue.
Removing lib32-db solved it
pacman -R lib32-db