[Stable Update] 2022-09-12 - Kernels, LibreOffice, KDE Gear, KDE Frameworks, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pipewire, Mesa

Answer = The time it takes!..! :smile:

Maybe setting autoswitch profiles in the config helps?
The important line in the config is marked bold

Otherwise try to close your software because itā€™s still reporting as using the device in communications mode?

Modprobe nouveau did not work?

Weā€™re all pretty bored with these questions. A few people actually left because of the delay for 5.25 - and thatā€™s good. We donā€™t want to be hurried - most people who tried or are using 5.25 agree that itā€™s pretty buggy and unstable. The benefits far outweighed by the issues it brought - so much so that many people restored snapshots and are still rocking the LTS 5.24.

Meanwhile everyone gets excited about bleeding edge - and you can have that by switching. If you go to Stable, you donā€™t get excited or look forwards to new stuff. You wait until itā€™s polished enough for the team to mutually agree that itā€™s not going to cause instability.

So the answer is: Nobody has a clue, and nobody interested in ā€˜Stableā€™ really gives a toss :wink:


From my side I will wait as much as possible; I just hope @Philm will give us ā€œrenegadesā€ a reminder when it is the most mandatory time to update.


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Youā€™ll need to reconfigure Samba.

In my case, since 3 or 4 updates ago I lost the functionality and configuration of Samba; it was working fine before that (at work and home).

To date I have managed to ā€œfix itā€ but not 100%.
I had to download a Samba configuration file; but I donā€™t remember if it was from a how to or from the Samba project and tuned it until I could have something functional (at work).

At home, I only used it to share files with other computers but due to ā€œlack of interestā€ on my part I havenā€™t tried to fix it anymore.


Thank you very much for your interest. I did provide a clean smb.cnf , now the smb y nmd services are running but I cannot manually share a folder. It shows this error:

when I give a Read Only permit to Everyone and full control to my user and try to share from Dolphin menu.

Like you, thatā€™s exactly why I donā€™t have 100% corrected my problem. :frowning_face:

I can create the shared folders, but I canā€™t access themā€¦ I can think of something, if it works Iā€™ll let you know.

Iā€™m following this wiki, but it hasnā€™t worked for me yet.


I have Manjaro KDE with 9/12 update on two machines, both are fine, just as stable as before.

I only had one issue, which was with autostart - easily resolved (after understanding the issue) by removing ā€œsleep 5 &&ā€ type shell commands from the ā€œExec=ā€ line (in my case I called a script instead).
I do not expect this to change over time. Source:

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