[Stable Update] 2022-08-13 - Kernels, Mesa, Gnome, Firefox, Haskell, Python, Systemd

I want to add additional advice:
Once upon a time I updated from TTY, but errors occurred during updating and stopped, and I was unable to use sudo in any TTY again to fix the problem.

Since then I prefer to have 2 TTY’s open, one to upgrade with pamac (skipping AUR packages, yay handles those better), and one with elevated bash. In case the upgrading gets faulty, I am at least able to attempt to fix it without chrooting from USB stick. Also, it’s handy for running pacdiff after the upgrade.

I left the problem for today. And when I updated the system, the error no longer appeared.

I think I wanted to update too soon.

Thanks for your help. :smiley: :+1:

I left the problem for today. And when I updated the system, the error no longer appeared.

but @westyvw’s advice helped me solve another similar problem.

Thanks !!!

For folks using the gnome-shell workspace matrix extension, this update broke my desktop pretty badly, but there is already a fix in place that is yet to be released. Please see this GitHub issue for details and how to install the unreleased fix: Gnome 42.4 upgrade plus ws-matrix breaks login leaving system in unusable state · Issue #236 · mzur/gnome-shell-wsmatrix · GitHub