I had to performs this update using pacman, because pamac didn’t see any new package; obviously mirrors were update.
I am always using -Syu
, I also cleared the cache with -Scc
and forced a refresh with -Syy
, but to no difference, my pacman is still looking for python-ifaddr-0.1.7
instead of 0.2.0
I’ll give it another day to see if it finds the correct version and make a new topic if not.
is present in all branches:
Refresh your mirrorlist before trying to update.
You haven’t mention changing/refreshing mirrors. Other than that, you can try deleting /var/lib/pacman/sync
Same for me, even after mirror change !
same thing happened for previous update !
Thank you, I did not realise mirrorlist was something I can/should update separately from the databases. Resetting them to all countries and protocols solved this issue.
1 day after installing this new update almost everything broke including firefox my widgets and all sorts of weird things. I just tried to reboot and now it wont even boot into Manjaro. i get past the bootloader and it pops up says shows the “/dev/sda xxxx blocks clean” message and then nothing. just sits there. So i pressed ctrl alt F2 and went to the terminal and restored a recent timeshift snapshot through the CLI. So now im back to the day before the update and im not going to do it again soon lol
Anyone know what this means?
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6100:3-36: No property named "-GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6101:3-34: No property named "-GtkTreeView-vertical-separator"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6159:3-29: No property named "-GtkTreeView-expander-size"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6192:3-37: No property named "-GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-width"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6193:3-38: No property named "-GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-height"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6194:3-39: No property named "-GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-radius"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6195:3-38: No property named "-GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-width"
(gnome-calculator:805477): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:02:56.538: Theme parser error: gtk.css:6196:3-37: No property named "-GraniteWidgetsPopOver-shadow-size"
Makes calculator take 2-30 seconds to run. Didn’t do this before previous update.
I am noticing something happening on a couple of updates now and I would like to confirm if others noticed that too.
In every update I receive a suggestion in the file nanorc.pacnew
to change my nanorc to:
# bind Sh-M-U "eOce[1;6D|sed 's/.*/\U&/'
" main
# bind Sh-M-L "eOce[1;6D|sed 's/.*/\L&/'
" main
## For copying a marked region to the system clipboard:
# bind Sh-M-T "|xsel -ib
eu" main
However if I do as recommended I start getting errors messages in the system log because of the lines with “" main
”. That is only solved when I remove the LF character from the previous line, moving those lines to the previous commented lines.
I can be wrong but it seems that somebody hit the <ENTER>
key in three lines that are suppose to be single lines.
If that is the case, how can we fix it to avoid further suggestions to the nanorc file?
Delete that .pacnew then. Don’t know where are you getting it from. Default is:
## For quickly uppercasing or lowercasing the word under the cursor.
## (These effectively do a Ctrl+Right followed by a Shift+Ctrl+Left,
## and then pipe the selected text through a sed command.)
# bind Sh-M-U "^[Oc^[[1;6D^T|sed 's/.*/\U&/'^M" main
# bind Sh-M-L "^[Oc^[[1;6D^T|sed 's/.*/\L&/'^M" main
## For copying a marked region to the system clipboard:
# bind Sh-M-T "^T|xsel -ib^M^[u" main
Well, apart from the initial problems of losing pretty much all System Settings for display and such, I have not had any real issues with Cinnamon 5.4.2. The last update of System Settings brought back all the individual settings apps (like Display and Themes) in the Menu, so that is appreciated.
Yeah, those pesky devs… hiding crucial information.
They actually did, because my machine had no internet due kernel modules not being loaded. I could not fire up elinks or the like to search for solutions.
Also, Is it that weird to put a reminder in the comments of the file?
Unless you’re a dev of GRUB, mkinitcpio, kernel et al, you don’t manually edit your grub or mkinitcpio config on yearly basis. Left alone more more frequently. A reminder would help a lot anyway. Proper and accessible documentation is one of the keys of success.
Also, the existence of a special command for each configuration is not user-friendly imho.
gpg 2.2.36 breaks Yubikey support and there are multiple reports on this issue.
I can confirm that the solution provided in the thread above works. I downgraded gpg to 2.2.35-2 and it fixed the problem.
Upstream bug report: ⚓ T6070 Yubikey 5C 'not available: card error' regression
You are expected to know basics of how to maintain your system. And one of these basics is that you need to regenerate initramfs images if you change config files.
In previous post you said:
Nothing “patches” your config files. You get .pacnew/.pacsave for everything (hopefully). Pacman doesn’t magically know if you edited something in some config file and you want to keep that setting or you don’t - this is YOUR job.
Reminder for what? That changing config files doesn’t automagically propagate said changes? I mean, in general, how many programs do you know, that when you change something in its config files, it just starts working right that moment?
Ie.: should someone add to sshd_config
that you need to restart sshd.service if you modify something or should that be common sense?
Why would devs need to change conf files more than anyone else? Or why wouldn’t someone else edit this or that? People are changing /etc/default/grub
all the time, adding/removing kernel parameters and whatnot. It’s their problem if they don’t update grub afterwards. It’s their job to know/read about it before they do these changes.
And also, this is a rolling distro, so configs change, programs change, things get added and/or removed constantly and it’s up to you to merge/discard/whatever these changes and even more importantly, understand what’s going on.
And that’s why Arch based distros aren’t for beginners - people keep forgetting to remove old kernels, old packages, don’t merge configs, don’t know how to rebuild AUR packages and in general can’t keep with the rolling system.
For further info, check: System maintenance - ArchWiki
The update don’t appear here yet. Using Brazil mirrors and PACMAC here. The PACMAC says that the system is up to date.
Why is this happening?
had trouble with pulseaudio this time around. For those of you with dependency problems try removing pulseaudio and i mean REMOVING -Rcsnd and after reboot just install plasma-pa. Had a huge problem with all the packages, couldnt update without breaking pulseaudio. Hope this helps
Cinnamon clearly has issues. Will give it awhile to get to a stable version and then see how things are. Cinnamon 5.4 is still beta, they (mint) usually get it sorted out by the time the next version of mint is released. the media keys quit working in deadbeef (may be cinnamon related, I don’t know), but restarting deadbeef solves it until I shutdown or suspend, then I have to do it again. All else appears to be ok.
You are not the only. Many people (including me) complained about the same problem since last update and exactly the same problem exists for this update (as you can see from other people’s posts). No matter what mirror I use (including worldwide), updates never appear in GUI, and they can only be found via CLI.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see any response from devs regarding it.
Well, this is a serious problem.
@philm anything about that?
I would say I mostly noticed some issues on multi-screen systems. I have two systems with 3 screens and then two laptops and two VMs. There has been a little wonkiness with the multi-screen systems that aren’t there on the single, but there is still some on those two. At least in my case. Not terrible, just little things that are buggy.
IE: On the multi-screen systems, upon 5.4.2 installation the screens got moved around. I rearranged them to how it now saw them and what was the middle screen became the right. I set the new middle monitor as the primary and the bar is there, but things like to open on the ( now ) right screen ( used to be middle. ) And notifications are wonky in that they popup on top of the bar and cover the right side of it, but that doesn’t happen on single screen systems. Those still correctly popup under the bar. It’s almost like it still thinks my ( now ) right screen is still the middle one for some things. And some applications, particularly browsers, keep opening full screen and I have to unmaximize them upon opening whereas that didn’t happen previously.
So, just little wonky things here and there, for me. Thankfully those are irritants, and not something broken so that’s good.